Recommendations For Eating Well Outside The Home

It is possible to eat healthy away from home by following certain tips, such as not being too hungry or asking for meals to share.

Does controlling your weight and eating away from home seem like an impossible task? However, with the recommendations that we are going to give you in this article, you will see that you can eat in a restaurant in a healthy way. Do not miss our advice!

How to eat healthy away from home?

Eating away from home and being healthy often seems impossible, as restaurants usually give us unhealthy calorie choices. Several studies show that eating out is linked to being overweight and obese.

According to a Cambridge study, more than 90% of main dishes sold in restaurants are excessive in calories, sodium, fat and especially saturated fat. In addition, children’s menus contain more fat and sugar than menus for adults. For this reason, it is not advisable to ask for a children’s menu, as these options are often even less healthy than the rest of the menu.

Eating well away from home: before leaving home

It is very important that you control your decisions even before entering the restaurant, as this will have a great influence. So here are some tips you should keep in mind:

  • Choose the restaurant in advance and make reservations. If you know in advance where you are going, you will know what kind of food it offers, which will save you from going to the first place you see. It is also advisable to book, as this will save you from waiting in case there is a waiting list. Because, which usually happens while you wait, you usually order a drink that you can skip if your table is already ready.
  • Check the menu first, if possible. Many restaurants already have a menu on their website. Take a look at it at home and you’ll know what to choose before you get there
  • Don’t be too hungry. If you arrive at the restaurant hungry, you will eat the bread and all the snacks they have prepared for you ahead of time, which you can avoid if you don’t arrive so hungry. That is why we recommend that you eat fruit before leaving the house.

It is possible to eat well away from home: this is the case with these friends

Eat well away from home: during a meal in a restaurant

Once you have mastered these tips before going out to eat, it will be much easier to eat healthy outside of the home.

  • What can you drink? The most recommended option is water. If you want to order other options for a change, you can choose sparkling water, or if you want something tastier, order it with a lemon wedge. You can also choose natural juices, non-alcoholic beer, or soft drinks without sugar. Just be aware that carbonated drinks without sugar are not very suitable either.
  • Control the amount of bread you eat. Normally, restaurants put baskets full of bread. If you don’t want to eat bread, tell the waiter not to bring it. And, if you want to eat it, tell him to bring a small piece per person
  • What options to ask? First of all, look at the vegetable dishes. Remember that first of all you have to eat vegetables. Once you have chosen the vegetables, select the protein with which you want to complement your dish. It can be meat, fish, eggs or vegetables. Avoid fried dishes or those with sauces
  • Choose healthy side dishes : for example, switch from fried potatoes to baked potatoes or salad. Do not include bread if your dish already contains flour or carbohydrates
  • Ask for sauces on the side : avoid putting dressings, sauces or cheeses on your food. Be reasonable no matter what
  • Share your dishes : Looking at the tables around you to see the size of the dishes will help you decide if you are ordering for yourself or if you are sharing. If portions are large, ask to share and you can control how much you eat. If there is any food left, you don’t need to eat to finish it and pop it, just ask for a doggy bag
  • And for dessert ? If there is fruit in the restaurant, ask for fruit. Otherwise, natural juice, coffee, or herbal tea can be good options. If you want something sweet, you can also share the dessert so you don’t get stuck with the craving.

Eating well away from home means, among other things, being careful not to eat a dessert that is too sweet.

How do you know if you’ve eaten too much?

  • When we are very thirsty hours after eating
  • If you have heavy digestion and the rest of the day you are no longer hungry
  • When we are sleepy after eating

So follow these tips and you can eat healthy and enjoy your dining out, because it is possible to eat healthy outside the home!

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