Prepare Salads That Help You Lose Weight And Keep You Full

So that salads help us lose weight and do not tire us, it is essential to vary their ingredients and above all, to vary them. make pretty for the eyes.

We often think of a salad as the perfect weight loss food, but that’s not necessarily true. 

In general, in a salad there are many ingredients that are full of fat and calories and we do not realize it.

The problem with salads is that they cause a vicious cycle in which we lose our sense of the quantities.

Even though we think it’s healthy, it’s not good to eat inordinate amounts of salad if you want to lose weight.

What to do and not to do when preparing a salad?

It is very important to add green vegetables, such as arugula or spinach. They are rich in nutrients and are delicious. 

We thus add an extra dose of protein and fiber, which help us lose weight.

Another healthy option is iceberg lettuce. Thanks to its high water content, it gives volume to the salad without adding extra calories.

There are foods that are very common in salads, which can be very bland and will make us want to strain the sauce to improve the taste.

It’s important to be creative. There are a wide variety of ingredients that add color and flavor to salads. You just have to experiment.

Remember that food enters through the eyes and the taste varies from person to person.

We can add a wide variety of peppers, squash, carrots… To bring an extra original taste, add fruits such as kiwi or mango.

And the meats?

You should not add meats that are high in fat. You can put chicken or beef but it all depends on the piece and the preparation.

Red meat

It is very important to avoid fried or “crispy” products. All of these foods are taking you away from your weight loss goal.

You can add lean protein, such as hard-boiled eggs, lean meats such as sliced ​​loin or chicken breast.

Fish is ideal, especially salmon and fresh tuna, as they provide healthy fats.

Watch out for the accompaniments!

We often push too much on the sides and sauces. Adding bread, pieces of bacon, cheese or fatty sauces are bad choices.

If you want to slip away from your diet slightly and add a “crispy” ingredient to your salad, you need to be careful and measure the portion so you don’t overdo it. 

Here is an ingredient that can add a creamy touch to your salad and some good fat: avocado. Of course, always in moderation.

Eating a salad with green vegetables before the main course is a good option to help your stomach fill up a bit and avoid overeating.

On the other hand, it is recommended, when eating salads, to prepare them yourself. You’ll know exactly what’s in it and be sure you’re not ingesting unnecessary calories.

The fresh is better

It is known that fresh salads are much healthier than when they include cooked food.

Vegetables lose some of their nutrients when they are cooked. That’s not to say that a salad that contains cooked vegetables isn’t good for weight loss.

But be careful not to exceed the cooking point. An overcooked vegetable can lose most of its nutrients.

Follow these 3 steps to create the perfect salad for weight loss

First of all, you have to choose lean protein . Here are some of them:

  • Chicken breast
  • Grilled salmon
  • Tuna
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Turkey meat
  • Lean beef

Then you need to add the high fiber vegetables and fruits that you want. They help to give color and contrast.

Regarding vegetables, you can for example try spinach, mixed vegetables or mixtures of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, avocado, beans or peas.

perfect salads

Pay attention to the fruits. Too much fruit can make for a very fresh and delicious salad but overloaded with calories.

Finally, don’t forget to add a small amount of dairy products. It can be cheese or a yogurt-based seasoning that you have prepared.

If you avoid pieces of bread and bacon, you will save yourself pounds as they contain a large amount of (unnecessary) calories which make weight loss difficult.

The key is variety

When preparing satiating salads, vary the ingredients. This not only makes it possible to eat different things but also not to get bored of the same foods too quickly.

Try new things so as not to bore your palate.

Remember that your goal, in addition to losing weight, should be to develop healthy habits.

Combined with exercises, they will allow you to maintain a healthy and stable weight over time.

In addition, you will have a life based on physical and mental well-being. 

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  • Aune D, Giovannucci E, Boffetta P, Fadnes LT, Keum N, Norat T, Greenwood DC, Riboli E, Vatten LJ, Tonstad S. Fruit and vegetable intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer and all-cause mortality-a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Jun 1; 46 (3): 1029-1056.

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