Benefits Of Lemon For Weight Loss

Although it is best known for its vitamin C content, lemon can also be a great ally for weight loss because it is satiating and promotes waste disposal.

Have you ever wondered where the benefits of lemon for weight loss come from? Don’t worry, you are not alone in this case. We have also wondered about this at times, so we want to share with you all the information you need.

Like the orange, it is often said that  the lemon is a fruit rich in fiber and vitamin C, mainly. It is often consumed in the form of lemonade, but also in many other forms, such as salad dressings for example.

According to beliefs, lemon is a food that, as part of a balanced diet,  can promote weight loss and make other contributions to the body, thus helping to maintain good health.

So, below, we will go over the nutritional intake of this fruit and then delve into the relationship between its consumption and weight loss so that you know why we mention lemon so much in weight loss problems.

Nutritional benefits of lemon

lemon for weight loss

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) explains that lemon is a food that contains vitamin C, organic acids and flavonoids. From a serving of 100 grams you can get: 

  • 44 kcal
  • 1 g of fiber
  • 12 mg of calcium
  • 0.7 g of protein
  • 149 mg of potassium
  • 50 mg of vitamin C

On the other hand, it is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. When it comes to vitamins, lemon provides you with vitamins A, group B (B1, B2, B6, folic acid), C and D, among others.

The carbohydrates present in this fruit are mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose. Finally, it also contains fatty acids such as palmitic and linoleic acids, but to a lesser extent than salts and vitamins.

With all of these nutritional properties, lemon is a great fruit to include in a healthy diet.

Logically, its strongly acidic taste complicates its consumption as a whole fruit. However, it is possible to obtain its multiple benefits by squeezing the lemon and drinking its juice mixed with water.

In this article, we show you some of the benefits of lemon for weight loss.

Benefits of lemon for weight loss

lemon for weight loss

First of all, lemon is a natural diuretic. Therefore, in addition to promoting the digestion process, it promotes intestinal transit. It helps the body to expel retained fluids.

On the other hand, lemon is rich in flavonoids, compounds that contribute to the health of all organs and systems in the body.

Likewise, it is believed that these flavonoids could help reduce the fat content in the blood, thus preventing fatty plaques from building up on the artery walls. Likewise,  the assimilation of its polyphenols could help reduce the amount of lipids accumulated in the tissues. 

The high citric acid content in lemon also helps to maximize the function of enzymes in our body and improve liver activity.

As we have already mentioned, lemon is also high in fiber, especially pectin. This type of soluble fiber makes it possible to obtain a feeling of satiety. This will allow you to have more control over your diet.

This will reduce the amounts of food to values ​​more suitable for your body, directly contributing to weight loss.

Lemon is said to help relieve bloating and prevent water retention.

How to take advantage of the benefits of lemon to lose weight?

lemon for weight loss

Lemon juice squeezed and mixed with water can be drunk cold or hot. However, drinking it hot has the added benefit of helping to improve bowel movements.

It is recommended to drink a glass of lukewarm lemon water every day to avoid constipation.

So, can lemon help us lose weight?

Lemon can help us lose weight, but only as part of a healthy lifestyle. Take advantage of it wisely. And, if you have any doubts about how to eat a balanced diet, depending on your needs, consult your doctor.

Eating a balanced diet, exercising daily and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is what will truly bring you health and well-being, not just lemon juice.

Specifically, drinking lemon juice around 30 minutes before each meal will allow its effects on fat to have a better impact, preventing excess fat from being stored in our body.

Finally, for those who can handle its sour taste, eating a whole lemon or sucking on its pulp will contribute to better oral health. This is due to its antibacterial properties and its ability to prevent certain oral diseases.

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