8 Natural Alternatives To Sugar

To sweeten our food in a healthy way, we can choose different alternatives to replace refined sugar. In addition to avoiding health complications, we will obtain other benefits if we consume them in a moderate way.

Despite its delicious taste, sugar can cause a lot of illnesses if we consume it in large amounts. Among them are obesity, heart disease, diabetes … Fortunately, there are alternatives to replace sugar in food and drink.

To sweeten in a more natural way, you can opt for stevia, honey or xylitol. Read us if this topic interests you!

Alternatives to sugar

1. Stevia

stevia as a natural alternative to sugar
A more natural sweetener to replace sugar: stevia

Stevia is a natural sweetener that is frequently used as a sugar substitute, especially by people who want to lose weight.

Indeed, it contains fewer calories and does not promote weight gain. It is extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana shrub .

On the other hand, it also does not increase blood glucose levels. Rather, it lowers them, just as it lowers insulin levels. In this way, it therefore helps to fight diabetes.

You can consume stevia in the form of a very liquid powder, which modifies its taste somewhat. This taste variation depends on the presence and quantity of sweet compounds it contains.

2. Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar contains a small amount of fiber and nutrients. Although considered to be healthier than normal sugar,  it has a high level of fructose and should be consumed in moderation.

It’s great as a natural alternative to sugar, but be careful: remember that any excess is bad. So consume it in small quantities to sweeten your juices, teas or other foods of your choice.

3. Erythritol

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, but contains only 6% of the latter’s calories. It is therefore a good replacement option if you want to sweeten your food or drinks without this being synonymous with weight gain.

Its consumption is also recommended for people with diabetes since it does not increase insulin or glucose levels in the blood.

It also does not increase cholesterol and trygliceride levels. Therefore, people at risk of cardiovascular disease can consume it without fear.

4. Ground pear syrup

Earth pear syrup is extracted from the plant of the same name. It has a sweet taste, dark appearance, and a thick consistency similar to molasses. 

It contains between 40% and 50% fructooligosaccharides, a type of molecule that the human body cannot digest. For this reason, be sure to moderate your consumption.

Consuming too much can indeed cause some digestive discomfort, the most common being gas and diarrheal episodes.

5. Xylitol

It is a sugar alcohol with a similar sweet flavor, the only difference being that it does not increase blood glucose levels.

This is because xylitol does not contain fructose, unlike sugar, it does not affect glucose levels in any way.

This compound, in addition to having the ability to reduce the risk of cavities, strengthens bone density. This is mainly due to the increased absorption of calcium in the body. 

6. Honey

This superfood couldn’t be missing from our list of natural sugar alternatives! Honey contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for our body.

In addition, it is frequently used to treat respiratory problems and strengthen the immune system.

Like sugar and all its substitutes, it is necessary to moderate your consumption. So don’t be seduced by its delicious flavor. Use it to sweeten your coffee or other drinks, but limit yourself to a spoonful.

7. Molasses

molasses to replace sugar
Molasses is another natural alternative to sugar.

It has a consistency similar to honey, although it is darker in color. Plus, it contains nutrients that support the health of our bones and heart.

It can also help regulate blood sugar levels. This is why it is a very suitable option for diabetic patients to sweeten their meals and drinks.

It is ideal as a substitute for refined sugar. Add just a spoonful of molasses to whatever you want to sweeten, and you’ll notice the taste!

8. Maple syrup

Maple syrup contains minerals and a large amount of antioxidants. It strengthens the immune system, promotes muscle recovery and maintains minimum sugar levels, provided of course not to abuse it.

It helps, in addition, to reduce anxiety. This way, you won’t eat excessively, and at the same time you will reduce the risk of suffering from obesity.

As we have just shown you, nature offers us many options to enjoy a balanced diet rich in nutrients. So forget about processed sugar and improve your health!

If you are prone to diabetes, replacing sugar with a natural option may help prevent or even stem this problem.

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