Spinach And Tofu Salad For Vegans

Do vegan diets give us all the nutrients our bodies need? A well-composed vegan menu will provide us with a complete diet.

This spinach and tofu salad recipe, which combines 2 foods with many nutritional benefits, is a good example of a vegan recipe based on proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Current health concerns have led many people to opt for veganism. The options offered by the ingredients of the plant kingdom are also endless.

There is controversy over whether or not to eliminate animal protein. The truth is that there are many vegetables that provide protein  with the added benefit of protecting your health.

We will therefore see, below, a recipe containing 2 meat protein substitutes: tofu and spinach.

L es s égumes containing proteins

Many vegetables provide us with protein. In this sense, well-balanced vegan menus can therefore provide  all the nutrients necessary for a good diet.

The star ingredient in this recipe,  tofu, takes the top spot. A portion of 100g indeed  contains 10g of protein .  It is followed by quinoa, seitan, legumes and rice. Next come amaranth, spirulina, chia seeds and maca. The last 2 foods highest in protein are peas and dried fruits .

In addition to these ingredients, many other vegetables have similar proteins to those provided by meat, but to a lesser extent.

Properties and benefits  of tofu

 spinach and tofu salad recipe

Tofu, or soybean curd,  is a food that is obtained industrially through soy milk. This product is obtained by artificial coagulation, after draining and pressing. It is also known as soy cheese. It works very well as a replacement for this dairy.

Soy milk

The soy milk with which tofu is prepared is obtained from soybeans and water, so that it  retains all the amino acids in soy. It is therefore easy to digest.

This drink contains lecithin, B vitamins and isoflavones, very beneficial plant estrogens. The protein that soy provides is a good source of calcium, ideal for certain diseases such as osteoporosis.

The benefits of tofu

Tofu has multiple advantages. Indeed, it:

  • Is easy to digest
  • We brought 10 of the 20 essential amino acids required by the body
  • Has a high protein content, the consumption of which provides only a few calories (only 76), no harmful lipids, nor cholesterol
  • Contains a significant amount of lecithin  (good for maintaining healthy brain and liver), minerals and calcium

Tofu is marketed with different levels of hardness. The choice will depend on the recipe we want to develop. For example, making this spinach and tofu salad requires the toughest tofu.

Properties and benefits of spinach

Spinach leaves are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, B, CE and K. They also contain iodine and antioxidants. 100g of spinach brings us 22 kilocalories, 3.9g of protein and 2.8g of fiber.

 spinach and tofu salad recipe

Spinach is rich in iron, potassium, zinc, calcium and magnesium. They also provide oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which are not saturated. They also provide a significant amount of beta-carotenes.

Spinach and Tofu Salad Recipe

This preparation  is a great way to get protein in a vegan dish. For 2 people :


  • 3 cups of spinach (150 g)
  • 100 g hard tofu
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 6 pickles in vinaigrette
  • 3 tablespoons of water (45 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard (15 g)
  • A spoonful of honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame oil (15 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce (30 ml)
  • 4 drops of Tabasco sauce


  1. The dressing should first be prepared by  mixing and emulsifying the liquid ingredients in a container  : honey, mustard, soy sauce, tabasco, sesame oil and water.
  2. Then cut the pickles finely and add them to this mixture.
  3. Then cut the tofu into small pieces and soak them in the vinaigrette  for about an hour.
  4. You will then need to cut the cherry tomatoes and carrots into pieces.
  5.  Then combine all the ingredients and mix.
  6. Serve immediately.

This protein salad with spinach and tofu  you also used to replace the pickles and the art cherry tomatoes with other vegetables or simply add them. You can indeed give free rein to your imagination to prepare a delicious spinach salad with tofu!

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