10 Fantastic Things To Do With Cornstarch

Thanks to its texture, similar to that of talcum powder, and its properties, cornstarch can be of great use to us to do away with bad ones smells of shoes.

Cornstarch has many more uses than you might think.

If you don’t believe it, just take a look at this article. We will indeed present to you some tips that this flour allows, and that you surely do not know.

Take note !

Cornstarch is the cornstarch or fine flour. It is a product that is often found in the kitchen for making delicious recipes.

However, below we will  reveal some homemade tips around cornstarch. They can be very useful in everyday life.

1. Cornstarch removes grease stains cornstarch

It can be your best ally in removing grease stains from areas such as sofas, sofas or rugs.

If you have stained a piece of furniture with food, use the following recipe.


  • 4 tablespoons of cornstarch (32 g)
  • 1/4 cup of milk (62 mL)


  • Make a dough with the cornstarch and milk.
  • Then put it on the stain and leave it to act overnight.
  • The next day you will see that the dough has solidified. Remove it then vacuum normally.
  • Do the same if you have ink blots and they will disappear.

2. It eliminates odors from shoes

If your shoes are smelling bad, cornstarch may be the perfect solution. It will indeed act like a classic homemade talcum powder. It will also help you to put an end to yeast infections and bacteria that cause bad odors.

  • Just put some cornstarch in your shoes and leave it on overnight.
  • The next day, remove it (use a vacuum cleaner if necessary).
  • You will see that the smell will disappear.

3. She cleans your windows

The best window cleaner is cornstarch.


  • 1 cup of vinegar (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch (16 g)


  • Put all the ingredients in a container with spray then shake to make sure everything is well mixed.
  • You just have to apply it to the desired areas and help yourself with a damp cloth to clean your windows.

4. It allows easier ironing

If you have trouble ironing, write this tip down.


  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (5 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Make your own starch spray by mixing the two ingredients in a spray bottle.
  • Then spray on your hard-to-iron clothes and say goodbye to creases!

5. It makes your cutlery shine

Cornstarch is highly recommended for making silver objects such as cutlery shine.


  • 1/4 cup of water (62 mL)
  • 4 tablespoons of cornstarch (32 g)


  • Make a paste with the two ingredients.
  • Rub it on the objects you want to shine and then let them dry.
  • Immediately after, remove with a damp cloth and you will notice that your cutlery will be much more shiny!

6. The best product for your furniture

Did you know that cornflour can also help your furniture look much newer?


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (8 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients, moisten a tea towel in the mixture and run it over the furniture.
  • Wait a few minutes and then pass a dry cloth through it, making enveloping movements to make it shine.

7. Goodbye to mold in books

Moisture build-up in books can eventually cause mold to develop. However, just sprinkle cornstarch on it to remedy this problem.

It absorbs bad odors and humidity, and fights against this mold.

8. Do you have oily skin? Make yourself a mask!

If you have oily skin, this homemade mask can be your perfect addition.


  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch (16 g)
  • 1/2 glass of lukewarm water (100 ml)
  • moisturizer


  • Mix in a bowl the 2 tablespoons of cornstarch with lukewarm water and your favorite moisturizer.
  • Then apply it to your face, leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes and then rinse off with plenty of water.
  • You can do this 2-3 times a week.

You will find that your skin will be much firmer and you will also be fighting acne and blackheads.

9. Knots impossible to untangle

If you have a knot that can’t be untangled, cornmeal can also help.

To do this, you just have to sprinkle a little cornstarch on it. You will see that you will manage to undo it without difficulty. As easy as that!

10. Ideal for washing clothes dry

This mixture will help you remove dirt and deodorize clothes without having to go to the dry cleaner.


  • 2 cups of cornstarch (240 g)
  • 1 plastic bag

How to do ?

  • Put the clothes in the plastic bag (better if it has a closure) then add the two cups of cornstarch.
  • Close the bag tightly then stir well so that the garment is completely covered.
  • Then let it sit overnight and the following day, remove the remains with a vacuum cleaner at minimum power.
  • You will see that all the dirt will be gone.

Main image © wikiHow.com

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