Get Rid Of Freckles On The Hands

It is very important that we hydrate well, both outside and inside. Our diet can also determine the appearance of spots, which is why it is better to avoid alcohol and fat.

Brown freckles that appear on the hands over time are a clear sign of aging.

This is why it is worth taking into account some tips that can hide them or even eliminate them. Read this article to learn more.

Age spots: what you need to know

As the years go by, the skin becomes stained due to an imbalance in melanin, a component of the epidermis.

This is why older people often have brown spots on different parts of the body, especially on the hands, neck, shoulders, arms and face.

Certain factors make the situation worse, for example: having been exposed to the sun a lot during your life, not having taken sufficient care of your skin with creams, heredity or genetics, the type of diet (if it is healthy or high in fat).

The amount of water drunk per day, alcohol, tobacco, make-up, the use of household products, menopause, pregnancy, medication, etc.

Freckles on the hands.

While it is possible to take preventive measures to prevent these spots from coming out of the skin, what is certain is that when they are already there, something must be done to cover them up or eliminate them.

To prevent this problem, follow these tips:

  • Pay attention to sun exposure, especially in summer, as this makes it easier for spots to appear. Use protective creams and if you have too white skin. So, do not hesitate to apply a lotion that blocks the sun’s rays (or with a high index for children). Don’t forget to put a lot of it on your hands.
  • Always keep your hands hydrated to prevent new spots from appearing.
  • It is necessary to drink a lot of water to hydrate from the inside. You will help eliminate toxins and prevent general aging, both of cells and of the skin.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in foods considered “antioxidants”, which will help keep your skin healthy and youthful, eliminate spots, and prevent spots from spreading or new ones from appearing.
  • See a dermatologist if the marks are too deep or you have had them for a long time.

How to remove stains from your hands with homemade recipes

For this recipe to remove stains from hands, you need whitening cream, lemon juice and sunscreen.

Apply the whitening cream to the affected area first to lighten the spots a bit and make their unpleasant appearance disappear.

Then apply sun protection to the back of your hands when you are away from the house, especially at the beach or at the pool.

You can use makeup to cover the spots, taking your skin tone into account, until they are completely gone or at least they look less brown.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and run it over the spots once a week, being careful not to come out that day. Lemon could indeed cause the opposite effect, ie stain even more.

Other tips for removing freckles from hands:

  • Extract the gel from an aloe vera stalk and apply it twice a day. If you get this milk serum, do not hesitate to soak your hands in it or rub them with a soaked cotton ball.
  • Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar with cream. Use this for any part of the body, even the hands.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a good ally for stains. Soak a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide (its scientific name). Then massage your hands with it every day before going to bed.
  • Make an infusion with dandelion (one cup of water per spoonful of grass). Apply it two or three times a day. If you have it at home, you can cut open a stalk and extract the spurge that is growing there to apply it to your hands every day.
  • Crush 1/3 cup of chickpeas and add a little water. Then, let it macerate all day and put it on the spots in the evening. Let dry and rinse. Repeat this daily.

Eliminate freckles.

How to get rid of freckles on your hands with home remedies

If your problem is freckles, you can also take advantage of nature’s health benefits to remove them. Especially if they are on the hands and you start to be ashamed of them:

  • Apply the juice of a handful of watercress or parsley with water (crushed) to your freckles overnight. Rinse well upon rising.
  • Heat a glass of beer in a bain-marie. Then, when it is about to boil, remove from the heat. Let it cool down a bit and wash your hands with it. Repeat this every day for at least two weeks.
    After the treatment, you can apply castor oil or olive oil to protect the skin.
  • Cook a spoonful and a half of powdered radish root. Also prepare a cup of sour cream or crème fraîche. Add a spoonful and a half of powdered oats. Apply this on your spots using circular massages.

Other remedies

  • Mix a cup of water with a pinch of salt, a drizzle of lemon juice and a spoonful of alcohol. Smear this mixture on your hands with a cotton ball before sleeping and wash them off the next day.
  • Dissolve a little sugar and the juice of one lemon. Then apply it with a brush or paintbrush on each of the freckles (if you don’t have too many). Leave it on for half an hour and rinse it off.
  • Mix a spoonful of pure bee honey with the juice of one lemon until a paste forms. Apply the latter on the freckles, leaving it on for half an hour for a better effect. While lemon can dry out the skin, honey will keep it protected and hydrated.
  • Grind three strawberries and two apricots until they form a paste. Apply this to the hands and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.
  • Use a papaya slice to rub your freckles every day. Let dry or wait 20 minutes before rinsing. Your skin will be much brighter and cleaner.

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