8 Tips For Having A Sustainable And Ecological Home!

Leaving electrical devices in standby mode, with the red light on, wastes energy and damages devices. Better to turn them off.

We all want to leave our children and grandchildren with a beautiful planet. A world that keeps all species and diversity healthy and safe. 

We want to transmit a place without pollutants, with green lungs that guarantee our existence, and of course our balance and our future.

It is obvious that for this life project to come about and to avoid ecological disasters in the future, we need a change of policies.

We must succeed in convincing the great powers to regulate their chemical waste and the amount of CO2 they release into the atmosphere. 

But we also need personal and anonymous initiatives on the part of each of us.

Through small changes in our daily life, we can benefit from a more sustainable home that allows us to contribute to the good health of our planet.

How do you feel about putting these simple tips into practice?

1. The use of heating and air conditioning

If you have air conditioning or heating in your home, it is important to use it wisely.

You will thus take care of the planet. In addition, you will make significant savings on your bills:

  • You can in fact regulate the heating to 20 ºC.
  • The air conditioning  is perfect at 26 ºC.
  • The temperature of the hot water must also not exceed 35 ºC.
  • We assure you that every degree too much or less will have an impact on the environment and on your bill. 

2. Natural resources like wind and sunlight

It is not always easy to spend sums of money to adapt your house so that you can make the most of natural resources.

Not everyone can afford to change their windows, build a patio, or install solar panels.

In the long run, we are sure to save a lot of money, but the installation costs a lot.

If you can’t afford the expense, however, take note of the following tips:

  • Enjoy the sunlight.
  • Also paint the walls in a color that gives you brightness.
  • Create natural drafts by opening several windows in the house. It is indeed healthier for your health!

3. Some basic changes in the kitchen

There are also some very simple tips that can help us save money and achieve a greener fireplace, especially in the kitchen.

Here are some simple examples:

  • Use a pressure cooker whenever you can. This indeed saves you time, money and energy.
  • If you must use the oven, try not to open it several times. Each time you do this, the temperature drops by 20 ºC.
  • If you need to defrost food, avoid using the microwave or putting it under running water. You just have to take out of the freezer what you want to cook, a few hours earlier. The key is anticipation!

4. Do not leave electrical appliances on.

How many times have you left  the television on  with the red light, or the computer, game console etc.?

What about those nights when we leave our cell phone charged or the Wifi router turned on when we sleep?

We do this very often. And that means spending on our bill, in addition to causing damage to the planet as millions of people make the same mistake. 

In addition, you should know that we are shortening the lifespan of household appliances.  

5. Yes to low consumption light bulbs

Low wattage or fluorescent LED bulbs are a bit expensive but last up to 8 times longer and spend up to 80% less energy.

So why not replace them?

6. Low consumption household appliances

As you know, in recent years, household appliances with energy class A ++ or A +++ have appeared on the market.

This means that they consume up to 70% less energy compared to class A household appliances.

It is worth replacing them as and when we need them.

These are small things that, added together, undoubtedly help our planet and have a greener home. 

7. Fully load your dishwasher and washing machine.

  • Some people turn on a machine when they only have a towel or pajamas to wash.
    They are able to put up to 3 washing machines a day with a very low load when in reality they could wait until they have more dirty clothes to do a single machine.
  • Also avoid pre-washing, and use cold water whenever possible. This allows real savings!
  • It’s the same with the dishwasher. It is better to wait until you have more dishes and glasses so that you can fill the appliance and use it as little as possible.

8. Good insulation of the house

Seal your windows, and  prevent the cold from entering your house, by putting putty around.

If possible, install double glazing, make use of blinds, shutters or anything that can avoid having to turn on the air conditioning or heating.

Sometimes with small changes in the household it is possible to see a real difference on your bills.

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