Vegan Diet For Weight Loss

The vegan diet is characterized by the fact that it is followed by people who do not want to eat foods of animal origin, and can be an excellent alternative for weight loss.

The vegan diet, or vegan diet, has gained a lot of notoriety in recent decades thanks to its promoters. This is a varied type of diet that, unlike a vegetarian diet, involves not consuming any animal products, including honey and eggs.

Most of its followers claim to choose this type of diet for ethical and environmental reasons. However, there are some people who took an interest in it and therefore adopted it after considering it as a great option for weight loss.

While it can be a bit difficult to give up on traditional dishes, the combination of ingredients offered in vegan dishes make them a very low calorie diet full of properties that help keep your figure.

What does it consist on ? Why is it effective for weight loss? How to plan it in a healthy way? To answer these questions, we would like to share in detail its most relevant aspects. Discover them!

What is the vegan diet?

The principles of the vegan diet.

A vegan diet is a diet that does not contain any animal products, including dairy products, honey, gelatin, and also eggs. This is a type of diet that therefore has many health and weight benefits. This is because it is reduced in fat, calories and foods that are generally considered “harmful”.

The vegan diet mainly consists of:

  • Legumes or grains
  • Dried fruits and seeds
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Seaweed
  • Whole grains

All of these foods are combined with balanced dishes to meet the body’s nutritional needs.

In addition, the vegan is careful when buying products in the store, because none of the foods or food products should contain ingredients of animal origin.

Why does the vegan diet help you lose weight?

To lose weight, it is essential to reduce your calorie intake without going to the extreme. The vegan diet, provided it is well planned, is therefore one of the most recommended for achieving this goal.

Its success is due to the combination of healthy and low calorie ingredients that provide important nutrients. They make you feel full, improve digestion, and support the processes that help you lose weight.

Does the vegan diet cause nutritional deficiencies?

Does the vegan diet cause nutritional deficiencies?

One of the most controversial aspects of vegan diets concerns nutritional deficiencies. Due to the restrictions on foods of animal origin, many talk about the danger that there can be in maintaining this type of diet.

The truth is, it all depends on how the dishes are designed. A vegan diet can provide the right nutrients for all stages of life, as long as it is carefully planned and the body’s needs are taken into account as well.

The only exception is vitamin B12, which is of animal origin, but can be added as a supplement to maintain normal levels.

As for proteins, the main source of which is also animal, they are replaced by products of vegetable origin which provide proteins of high biological value, that is to say, easy assimilation.

Vegan menu for weight loss


  • Breakfast : fruit salad.
  • Mid-morning : a handful of dried fruits.
  • Lunch : falafel and hummus wrapped in vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack : glass of vegetable milk (coconut, almond or soy) and toast with tomato and oil.
  • Dinner : vegan pizza.


  • Breakfast : glass of vegetable milk and whole wheat bread with avocado and tomato puree.
  • Mid-morning : mixture of fresh fruits without additives.
  • Lunch : plate of quinoa salad with asparagus and strawberries.
  • Afternoon snack : glass of vegetable milk and 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds.
  • Dinner : sautéed broccoli, pumpkin and tofu.


Dish of the vegan diet.

  • Breakfast : the juice of an orange, a pear and a kiwi in pieces, or a handful of dried fruits and a toast with salad and olive oil.
  • Mid-morning : glass of vegetable milk and vegan cookies.
  • Lunch : cream of potatoes and leeks, oat balls with tomato and thyme.
  • Afternoon snack: cut apple and a handful of hazelnuts (20 grams).
  • Dinner : chickpea salad, brown rice and tofu, whole wheat bread and soy yogurt with jam.


  • Breakfast : a pear and a cut peach, a glass of vegetable milk and a handful of dried fruits.
  • Mid-morning : a chopped apple and kiwi, and whole seed cookies.
  • Lunch : salad of peas and vegetables, pasta with tomatoes and tofu.
  • Afternoon snack: two clementines.
  • Dinner : sautéed vegetables and seitan, glass of vegetable milk.


  • Breakfast : glass of plant-based milk with vegan coconut oatmeal cookies.
  • Mid-morning : mixture of fresh fruits without additives.
  • Lunch : bean and mushroom burger with baked potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack : glass of vegetable milk and wholemeal bread with avocado and tomato puree.
  • Dinner : tofu in black garlic sauce and red cabbage salad with vegan mayonnaise.


  • Breakfast : oat milk tea and wholemeal bread with jam.
  • Mid-morning : glass of vegetable milk and vegan cookies.
  • Lunch : tomato and red pepper bruschetta stuffed with rice.
  • Afternoon snack : two pieces of cut fruit.
  • Dinner : vegan omelet with mushrooms.


Day off: Prepare a menu of your choice, without animal products, of course.

Would you like to try the vegan diet as an option for weight loss? Because although it is not easy to maintain, it has many benefits for your body.

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