11 Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet You Should Know

The Mediterranean diet gives you more than just a delicious diet. Find out why it is famous and recognized around the world.

The Mediterranean diet, as presented on the website of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation , is a precious cultural heritage that represents much more than a simple nutritional guide, rich and healthy. Do you know the benefits of the Mediterranean diet? Read on, we’ll tell you all about it!

The importance of this diet has led it to be recognized as part of the intangible heritage of humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In addition, this diet relates to a whole set of traditions and customs, as it involves cultural and folkloric factors.

It is a form of eating that involves both the inclusion of healthy ingredients and healthy forms of preparation. Due to its inherent characteristics, it is not only a diet rich in flavor, but also in benefits for our organism. This is why we will tell you about the 11 benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean Decalogue

The Mediterranean Diet Foundation details all the qualities of this diet program:

1. Olive oil

The main fat is olive oil, which contains vitamin E, beta-carotene and monounsaturated fatty acids which give it cardioprotective properties.

2. Products of plant origin

In the Mediterranean diet there is an abundance of plant products that provide minerals, vitamins, fiber and water. For example :

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Impulses
  • Mushrooms
  • Dried fruits

3. Cereals

Cereals (pasta, rice) and bread should be part of our daily diet, although they are more digestible if they are made from wholemeal flour. These are sources of carbohydrates that provide the energy needed by the body.

4. Seasonal foods

The most appropriate foods at all times are those that are in season. This way, you can eat fresher and cheaper food. What more ?

5. Dairy products

Dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, must be present in daily meals because they provide proteins, minerals and vitamins, while promoting the balance of the intestinal flora.

6. Meat as an accompaniment

Meats should be eaten in moderation. They should not constitute basic dishes, but only be served as an accompaniment.

7. Fish and eggs several times a week

Fish should be consumed abundantly because it has cardiovascular protection properties. Eggs are high in protein and should be eaten several times a week, but in moderation.

8. Fruits for dessert

Dessert should be made from fresh fruit and sweets should be occasional. The consumption of sweets is not prohibited but moderate consumption is recommended to avoid excess sugars and empty calories.

9. Water, the drink of choice

Water is the drink par excellence for this type of diet, while wine should be consumed in moderation. It is recommended to consume wine during lunch.

10. Physical exercise

Finally, physical exercise is the essential accompaniment of nutrition. If you eat well but lead a sedentary lifestyle, you will not feel the full benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

The 11 benefits of the Mediterranean diet

1. It fights against bad cholesterol

Among the main benefits of the Mediterranean diet is the abundant consumption of seafood, fish and vegetables, as opposed to moderate consumption of red meat. This is linked to a decrease in cholesterol levels.

2. It is beneficial for the heart

The Mediterranean diet helps to reduce the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, because it reduces high blood pressure, thanks to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids associated with nitrates and nitrites in vegetables.

These fatty acids are found in dried fruits, fish oil, olives and avocado.

3. It prevents stroke

dried fruits and Mediterranean diet

One of the most common clinical conditions today is stroke, better known as stroke.

The Mediterranean diet significantly reduces the risk of suffering from it because it is rich in dried fruits and olive oil, which prevents attacks. This claim is based on findings from the Center for Research on Human Nutrition and Aging at Tufts University in the United States and researchers from the Carlos III Institute of Health.

4. It helps prevent stomach problems

The nitrites in green vegetables combined with polyphenols (antioxidant substances), which are found in apples and red wine, act as gastric protectors. This prevents stomach ulcers and helps relieve them if you already have them.

5. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia

Eggs are an important part of the Mediterranean diet. With this food, brain functions are improved thanks to an optimal condition of the blood vessels. Therefore, the likelihood of mental deterioration decreases in people who follow this diet.

6. It controls diabetes

Thanks to a diet low in fat and sweet desserts, the Mediterranean diet contributes to the management of type 2 diabetes.

7. It fights against obesity

prevent obesity thanks to the Mediterranean diet

A good nutritional balance, a moderate consumption of carbohydrates, sugars and pasteurized or carbonated drinks, as well as the presence of vegetables, “good” fats and proteins allow both to lose weight and to stay at the ideal weight.

8. It helps prevent Parkinson’s disease

Foods in this diet have great antioxidant power, which prevents cell deterioration and reduces the likelihood of Parkinson’s disease.

9. It protects the bones

Getting adequate amounts of calcium-rich products helps strengthen bones, which can prevent fractures and bone disease.

10. It strengthens agility

The nutritious foods in this diet promote muscle firmness and strength, which translates into better physical shape at any age.

11. It prevents aging

The abundance of antioxidants and calcium, as well as the decrease in the likelihood of suffering from various diseases, implies better physical health and, with it, a healthy, long and productive life.

As we can see, the Mediterranean diet has many benefits. If you want to include this form of eating in your routine, consult a specialist to make your transition the most appropriate.

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