There Are 3 Types Of Spirits That Differentiate Us: What Is Yours?

As much as possible, even if we have a rigid mind, we should try to learn flexible minds. We can have an opinion without actually not listening to the rest.

In psychology and personal growth, we talk about the existence of three types of minds or more exactly, three very specific mental points of view.

Each of these typologies encompasses particular dynamics characterized in turn by a series of more or less effective, more or less useful thought patterns.

On the other hand, it should also be taken into account that each of us do not exclusively use one type of mental point of view, sometimes we use all three.

However, we still tend to use one more than the other.

It also determines whether we are more effective at problem-solving or having better, more enjoyable social relationships with others.

We invite you to get involved in this very interesting subject so that we reflect on certain aspects that will surely help you.

1. The liquid mind

You are most likely familiar with the concept of liquid mind or liquid society from the theories of the recently deceased Zygmunt Bauman.

Sociologists and philosophers like Bauman have explained that much of the behavior, responses and actions of today’s society are the clear reflection of a liquid mind.

Here are the main characteristics:

  • A liquid mind is versatile and depersonalized.
  • He does not practice self-reflection, he lets himself be carried away by external fashions, by the expectations of others and by the needs of the moment and not by his own principles and values.
  • This type of view does not have fixed positions and does not engage.
  • Its center of interest is external.
  • They have very poor creativity because they lack enthusiasm and, above all, commitment.
  • The relationships they establish are disposable, that is, they can show a lot of interest in someone today and later leave that person aside and go in search of something “new”.

2. Rigid minds

spiritsWe’re sure you also know someone who thinks this way. They are spirits that are characterized by the following dimensions:

  • They have a clear resistance to changing all of their behaviors, beliefs or opinions.
  • It doesn’t matter that certain facts prove to them that they are wrong: these people stand firm on their points of view.
  • They have a very limited range of responses and behaviors.
  • Their level of adaptation to those around them is very low, they don’t like new or unexpected things.
  • Anything that is different from them is “dangerous”.

In addition, a rigid mind that does not adapt to its surroundings, that is not able to understand other opinions or perspectives, suffers from the following psychological dimensions:

  • High levels of stress and depression.
  • Low tolerance for frustration.
  • Unhappy interpersonal relationships.
  • Professional problems.
  • These people live in the past, believing it to be better than the present.

3. The flexible mind

The flexible mind structures all of these processes, views and strategies that we should all apply in our daily life.

Thanks to all the processes that are set in motion in this spirit, we are able to adapt much better to this complex environment in which we are immersed.

We would not only be more productive, but we would also benefit from a better quality of life knowing how to take advantage of all that everyday life has to offer.

Here are the basic characteristics of a flexible mind:

  • The flexible mind is curious, applies a sense of humor, creativity and enjoys trying new things.
  • In addition, he has very clear values ​​and his own opinions but he is also able to open up to other perspectives to listen to them, understand them and accept them if they allow him to evolve psychologically.
  • His interpersonal relationships are satisfying because he knows how to set limits, and because he also understands how to take care of important friendships, love and connections.
  • The flexible mind is at peace with itself. Thus, he applies compassion, empathy, forgiveness and respect to everything around him.
  • It controls stress and anxiety well.
  • He invests in his personal growth.

How to learn to have a more flexible mindspirits

  • Be curious like a child, take an interest in everything and everyone around you.
  • Always be critical, don’t stay with one answer or one option.
  • Listen, feel, touch… Use your senses to pick up all kinds of information.
  • Apply assertiveness, defend your interests while respecting and taking others into account.
  • Do not be afraid of changes, they can always give you something you need and teach you as well.
  • Learn from your mistakes and practice humility.
  • Remember that your truth is not the only truth. In reality there are endless truths that you sometimes do not take into account.
  • Discredit authoritarian models.
  • Strengthen your sense of humor.
  • Dare to be spontaneous.

To conclude, knowing the three types of spirits can help us understand some of our behaviors and thus invest in our own personal growth.

Dare to develop a much more flexible mind.

  • Arenas, L. (2011). Zygmunt Bauman: Paisajes de la modernidad líquida. Daimon Revista Internacional De Filosofía , (54), 111-124. Recovered from
  • Riso, W. (2020). El arte de ser flexible . Zenith.

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