6 Tips To Prevent Osteoporosis

To enjoy good health throughout your life, it is essential to prevent osteoporosis, among other things. Do you ?

We all like to be free to move around, to be able to move freely. For this reason, preventing osteoporosis is essential. You probably already know that, in order to do this, we must supply calcium to our bones.

Do you ? It is very likely that you are not getting enough calcium. Discover here some recommendations to prevent osteoporosis.

1. Prevent osteoporosis from an early age

How old are you ? How long have you been concerned about the risk of developing osteoporosis? Few of us think about this possibility, especially when we are young and healthy.

And yet, taking preventative measures from an early age is ideal. The sooner we adopt good eating habits to prevent the onset of osteoporosis in the near future, the greater our chances of achieving it.

We recommend that you check your family history. If some of your loved ones suffer or have suffered from osteoporosis, it is recommended to take preventive measures from the age of 20-30.

To do this, include foods rich in calcium  in your diet. This will strengthen your bone mass and prevent rapid bone degeneration.

2. Limit your salt intake 

Excess salt

Limiting your daily salt intake is another key tip for preventing osteoporosis. Although there are no studies that show a possible impact of salt on bones, it has still been observed that high blood pressure causes greater loss of bone density.

Salt increases the amount of calcium the body excretes through urine. If you don’t reduce your intake, over time your bones will get thinner and thinner.

So that your bones do not wear out, increase your calcium intake, either by consuming more foods rich in calcium or by consuming food supplements.

3. Eat more nuts 

Consuming a handful of nuts on a regular basis is a delicious alternative to preventing osteoporosis. These dried fruits are rich in minerals that help strengthen bones: phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and, of course, calcium.

You can also opt for pistachios, peanuts and almonds, as long as they are natural, and not processed. Many dried fruits on the market contain sodium and fats.

The ideal is to eat a handful or two of dried fruits per day. What’s more, they are perfect snacks for relieving cravings that usually occur in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

4. Limit your intake of soft drinks 

According to a study conducted in 2006, drinks such as Coca-Cola influence the onset of osteoporosis in adult women.

In this study, experts analyzed the effects of such drinks on bone density, as they contain caffeine and phosphoric acid.

The results were as follows: In women who consume refreshing drinks every day, some bones suffered from a reduction in size.

5. Include dairy products in your daily diet 

To prevent osteoporosis, we usually think about increasing our milk intake. Because of its high calcium content, milk is indeed essential to promote good bone formation.

But by-products, namely yogurt or cheese, are also good options. Three servings of dairy products a day is enough to meet the calcium needs of a healthy person.

6. Eat a salmon steak regularly to prevent osteoporosis

Salmon steaks

Salmon is another food recommended for preventing osteoporosis. You’ve probably heard of the benefits of salmon for weight loss or for good health. What you might not know is that salmon is high in vitamin D.

This vitamin is essential for the body: it absorbs and transforms calcium. If you don’t get enough vitamin D, you may still have bone problems, even if you consume many calcium-rich products.

For variation, you can substitute salmon with other foods rich in vitamin D, such as tuna, mushrooms, and egg yolk.

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