Artichokes, Powerful Toxin Destroyers

Among the many benefits of artichoke, we find its purifying properties, which eliminate toxins, and its contribution of antioxidants, which strengthen our immune system.

From the leaves to the heart, artichokes are a treasure trove of nutrients, benefits and tasty pleasures for our palate. We should always have it at home.

It is a typical winter vegetable that is very rooted in the Mediterranean diet. However, it can be found in markets all over the world.

This is why we should not doubt for a single second before consuming it, to discover all that it can bring to our body.

According to experts in medicine and nutrition, the artichoke is an authentic “destroyer of toxins”. Its natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals are therefore direct allies for the liver.

We are sure that this information will be of great help to you.

Artichokes to regenerate your body

As we know, a lot of the food we eat every day is not eliminated very easily.

Saturated fats, preservatives, and chemicals from ready-made meals tend to store up in our tissues, inflame us, and slow down the work of our liver.artichokes

  • It is good to include vegetables like artichoke in our diet. This helps to purify and “regenerate” our organism.
  • Artichokes are very low in calories. Conversely, thanks to its fibers and its strong antioxidant power, we harmonize liver function. We also promote intestinal transit.
  • We also fight against water retention and improve digestion.

Regular consumption of artichokes promotes the proper functioning of our organs, also regulating blood pressure. All of this makes us feel better, healthier, lighter and more energetic.

They strengthen the immune system

A strong immune system is synonymous with good health. We then face infectious and viral agents with better efficiency. We also protect ourselves better against heart disease.

  • Artichokes are among the foods richest in antioxidants. 
  • According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, an artichoke provides the same antioxidants as a small glass of wine or a handful of blueberries.
  • Thanks to anthocyanins and quercetin, we protect ourselves more effectively against cancer. We also strengthen our immune defenses.

The digestive power of artichokes

Good digestion is digestion that is not noticeable, which allows us to regulate our transit, which does not cause bloating or discomfort and which allows us to benefit from the nutrients of food.

  • For good digestion, it is necessary to consume between 30 and 38 grams of dietary fiber per day for men, and between 21 and 25 grams for women.
  • The consumption of fiber allows us to fight against diseases related to the intestine and colon cancer.
  • One of the main sources of fiber found in artichokes is inulin, a very potent type of prebiotic that strengthens “good bacteria” in the gut.
  • Eating just 120 grams of artichoke provides 10.3 grams of dietary fiber. It’s worth it !
  • Another interesting aspect: thanks to cynarin, we increase the production of bile, so as to accelerate the movement of food and residues through the intestines, and we reduce the feeling of abdominal distension.

Artichokes, our liver’s favorite food

According to a study published in 2010 in the journal Biological Trace Element Research, artichokes help us reduce lipids and excess cholesterol in the liver, so that it can carry out all of its functions.

In addition, thanks to its multiple phytonutrients, as is the case with cynarin and silymarin, we can not only strengthen it, but also regenerate it and de-inflame it in cases of fatty liver.

They regulate and take care of arterial healthartichokes

Our body needs a good balance between the level of sodium and the level of potassium, the latter being essential to fight against hypertension and to cope with water retention.

  • Eating between 3 and 4 artichokes a week can help us enormously. So, do not hesitate to take advantage of the water resulting from the cooking of the artichokes. 
  • If you add the juice of a lemon to it and drink it throughout the day, you will be successful in controlling bad cholesterol (LDL) and promoting weight loss as well.

Always eat a varied and balanced diet that does not lack the protein, fiber and nutrients found in medicinal vegetables like artichoke.

Finally, you should know that artichokes are not recommended for people who suffer from stones in the gallbladder.

Indeed, this vegetable stimulates the production of bile and can therefore prove to be counterproductive in these cases.

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