10 Reasons Why Yoga Is Great For Overweight People

Although some postures seem difficult to perform when we are overweight, yoga remains an ideal activity to help us control our weight.

If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in the world of yoga, but you think it is beyond your reach if you are overweight. Well, you are wrong! Yoga is an ideal activity for people who are overweight because it helps them burn fat and control their anxiety.

Many personalities testify to the benefits of the practice of yoga. For example, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged to promote this discipline as a matter of state, so that the people of his country benefit from it on a daily basis.

The Spanish Prime Minister has even shared a series of videos in which he himself, in an animated version, practices different yoga postures. He emphasizes that yoga is a healthy option for everyone.

Want more reasons to encourage yourself to attend your first yoga class? So keep reading this article!

1. Yoga improves breathing in overweight people

Practicing yoga can help you breathe better and improve your blood circulation. This way, with exercise and a healthy diet, you can burn fat more easily.

Being more aware of your breathing and leading a quiet life will also ensure that nutrients reach your organs more efficiently. Thus, these will work more efficiently and prevent the onset of diseases caused by nutrient deficiency.

2. Yoga builds self-confidence and self-esteem

Yoga is a great way to start a more active life. Besides, it is a perfect activity for overweight people because it can also help you improve your self-esteem as well as your self-confidence.

The progress you make by practicing yoga both physically and spiritually will be important in renewing your self-image and the way you go about your daily life. You will be in control of your body and be able to improve your quality of life through physical activity.

3. Yoga fights depression

yoga helps overweight people fight depression

People who are overweight may have low self-esteem, which increases the risk of depression. This is due to the lack of confidence they feel about their body or their physical appearance.

The practice of yoga is beneficial because it helps in the treatment of mild depression. In addition, it is a way to reflect, meditate, gain self-confidence and lead an active lifestyle.

4. Yoga relieves stress

The constant breathing and thinking exercises, which are important in the postures you will be practicing in your yoga classes, will help relieve stress and help you relax. You will be more focused on mental and physical work for your well-being and you will have a clear goal.

Devoting a time of the day to meditation and deep breathing dramatically reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Filling your lungs with fresh air will help you be calmer in your decision-making, and also make you better equipped to face everyday challenges.

5. Yoga reduces physical discomfort

With continued yoga practice, you can reduce headaches, lower blood pressure, and fight fatigue and insomnia . This is due to the increased oxygenation in the brain and the release of toxins during deep, gentle breathing.

So as you progress through your yoga classes, you will surely find yourself wanting more to indulge in other activities that will help you lose weight. You will be filled with energy and motivation to eat healthy and maintain good habits for your well-being.

6. Yoga induces gradual changes

Regardless of your weight or waist size, none of these barriers prevent you from exercising the activity. In your yoga classes, you should not ask more of your body than you can give. So, as you gain elasticity and confidence, you will be able to achieve more difficult postures.

Yoga is ideal for overweight people as progress is made gradually to achieve the highest possible degree of strengthening, flexibility, and balance. You will see the changes little by little and it is very good that you get used to it and not feel overwhelmed.

7. Yoga is a low impact activity

Yoga is the perfect companion for a healthier lifestyle, but it doesn’t require drastic changes in your lifestyle. As the practice progresses, you will be able to practice more difficult positions.

Although there are positions for beginners, instructors make variations according to the physical abilities of their students. This allows you to start your practice at an ideal level for you, and prevents you from feeling frustrated with the difficulty of performing certain postures. How much time you spend on this activity is also up to you.

8. Yoga has effects on the endocrine system

Each yoga pose affects a region of the body, muscle, nervous and hormonal levels. Some of these are indicated in case you have thyroid problems, for example.

So, if one of the causes of your overweight is a hormonal problem, you can consider yoga a good activity to combat them. In this case, before you get started,  we recommend that you determine which postures can be useful in controlling your condition. You should also discuss this with a yoga teacher.

9. Yoga helps fight anxiety

We have already mentioned the spiritual and relaxing benefits of yoga. It is therefore considered an activity that can reduce the anxiety level of those who practice it. This is all thanks to meditation and the deep breathing that discipline requires.

The effects of yoga on the nervous system will help you focus on improving your physical activity and reducing your urge to eat, better known as “binge eating”. Yoga will therefore also influence your diet!

10. It allows you to accomplish your goals

If you are interested in physical activity because you want to be healthier or lose weight, yoga is ideal. In addition to being an exercise, it is also a spiritual strengthening activity that will allow you to work on your strength of will.

Doing yoga will give you moments of concentration and meditation during which you can encourage yourself to move forward. On top of that, you will then be in a better position to patiently wait for the results of your efforts.

What positions can you lose weight in?

yoga for overweight people

Practicing yoga can help you strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility, breathe well, and generally feel better. Yoga is beneficial for overweight people because, without being a physical effort or a big impact, you will be able to achieve visible results.

Lose a few pounds by practicing the following positions:

  • The Corpse – Relaxation Posture (Savasana): ideal for relaxing, calming body and mind
  • The candle (Sarvangasana): it regulates the metabolism and stimulates the thyroid gland. On the other hand, it also strengthens and tones the muscles of the back and legs, but also helps to improve circulation, purify the blood and reduce constipation.
  • Reverse Pelviana (Viparita Karani Mudra): This position has beneficial effects on the functioning of the thyroid gland and improves circulatory problems. In addition, it brings security and emotional self-control.
  • Fish (Matsyasana): it helps regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also has effects on the pituitary, adrenal glands and pineal gland.
  • The plow (Halasana):  it has a direct effect on the loss of abdominal fat. It also regulates the functioning of the thyroid, liver and spleen.
  • The cobra (Bhujanghasana): it regulates the adrenal glands and the thyroid, but also reaffirms and stimulates the muscles of the abdomen. Finally, it strengthens the spine and firms the glutes.

What positions to avoid?

As a general rule, it is not advisable to perform yoga poses for which you are not physically prepared, such as those in which one part of the body is supporting all of its weight. Some postures, such as padahastasana or balasana, in which you lean completely forward, can interfere with your breathing.

Regular physical activity will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially this discipline. Yoga for overweight people is wonderful for improving physical and spiritual health.

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