6 Ways To Use Aloe Vera To Improve Your Health

Aloe vera strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins and improves blood circulation.

Aloe vera is an ancient plant that is even considered by many to be a panacea. Its properties and multiple benefits are known and marketed as beauty or body care products. How to use aloe vera to improve our health?

Including it in your daily diet will help you appreciate the benefits. Aloe vera contains 12 vitamins, 19 amino acids and 20 minerals that strengthen your body’s defenses. It is also rich in antioxidants, restores the intestinal flora and cleanses the digestive tract.

How to use aloe vera to improve your health?

For topical use of aloe vera, just run it quickly under the tap. You can leave the little green streaks that stick to the thick part of the leaf.

Keep in mind that these must be removed if the aloe is used for consumption. Indeed,  the green streaks have a very bitter taste.

1. Swollen legs

Use aloe vera for swollen legs.

Topical applications of aloe vera on sore, varicose legs significantly improve swelling and pain.

To use, remove the gel from two sheets and place it in the refrigerator for a few hours. Then rub your legs with the gel, in bottom-up movements for 5 minutes. Then remove the excess and let the rest dry on your legs. Repeat if necessary.

2. Constipation and indigestion

Because of our bad eating habits, we need alkaline intakes to normalize acid digestion and relieve intestinal constipation. Therefore, drinking aloe vera in smoothies helps reduce these annoying symptoms.


  • 1 cucumber (200 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of ginger (5 g)
  • 3 aloe vera leaves (600 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of parsley (5 g)
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Remove the gel from the leaves.
  • Peel the cucumber.
  • Put the cucumber with aloe vera, ginger and parsley in the blender.
  • Mix all the ingredients for 5 minutes.
  • Place the mixture in a glass and add the lemon juice.
  • Stir with a spoon and drink in small sips.

3. Mouth infections

Use aloe vera for oral infections.

People who take corticosteroids, as well as other drugs that weaken their immune system, are prone to infections with the fungus candida. Asthmatics also often develop this condition from prolonged use of their inhalers that contain these compounds.

To avoid this, remove the gel from an aloe vera leaf and mix it with half a glass of water. Then rinse your mouth with this mixture once a day. Aloe also acts in the healing of recurrent canker sores and also to reduce dental plaque.

4. Acne

The antiseptic and moisturizing properties of aloe vera are an ally for skin care, especially in cases of acne. Cleanse your skin with a mild soap. Cut an aloe vera leaf in half and massage the skin with the gelatinous part.

Do not expose yourself to direct sunlight after application, especially on the face, as symptoms may worsen. This treatment regenerates the skin cells, but you have to be patient because the results are visible in the long term.

5. Use aloe vera for allergies

Use aloe vera for skin allergies.

For skin conditions related to allergies, it is recommended to apply aloe vera compresses. To do this, mix two aloe vera leaves with all the ingredients, as well as the bark.

Wrap this mixture in a cotton cloth and apply to the affected areas. It works immediately and provides great relief. This procedure is also effective for insect bites and burns.

6. Premature aging

Wrinkles caused by dehydration of the skin and prolonged exposure to the sun are usually greatly reduced with aloe vera. In fact, the topical application of the gel promotes the production of collagen and renews the elasticity of the skin.

Apply the gel directly to the affected area and allow it to dry. You need to have enough aloe vera for this type of treatment as the effects are visible after 90 days of continuous use.

Aloe vera has unique bioactive properties when consumed in its natural state. Commercial preparations usually also contain other additives. That is why we recommend having one or more aloe vera plants at home. Do not hesitate to use aloe vera and enjoy its benefits!

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