A Detox Week To Cleanse Your Liver

If you want to completely cleanse your liver, follow our tips for every moment of the day during the detox week.

The liver has the ability to rebuild itself, but it is also the organ that suffers the most from our bad eating habits and our negative emotions. Find out here how to clean it with a detox week.

Several signs can confirm that it is time to cleanse our liver:

  • problems with digestion (poor digestion, abdominal pain, constipation or gas in the stomach are symptoms of liver problems);
  • general bad mood  (a bad functioning of the liver can affect our emotional state in general which can then cause us irritability and a lack of energy);
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • pain in the right eye;
  • yellowish eyes and skin;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • allergies and skin problems.

Detox week: preparation

Since the detox cure that we are offering you lasts for a week, it is important to follow the steps that we give you. Prepare before and after this week by avoiding excess in order to avoid certain reactions of the body.

If you are taking any medication or have any health problem, consult your doctor first before doing this cure.

Finally, keep in mind that when doing a detox cure, some symptoms may appear such as headaches, fatigue, fever, diarrhea. .. For this reason, we recommend that you be followed by a specialist doctor or naturopath.

Detox week: forbidden foods

Diet without industrial products

During this week, completely eliminate the following foods:

  • alcohol
  • fries
  • Red meat
  • ready meals
  • dairy products
  • White sugar
  • artificial sweetener
  • sodas

Detox week: Fasting

When you get up in the morning you have spent an average of hours without eating, eight hours during which your body has rested and regenerated. It is for this reason that it is important to choose the foods that will break this night of fasting.

Start by drinking two glasses of warm or hot water with two tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

This simple step will cleanse your body and get your liver and other organs going.

Detox week: breakfast

Half an hour later you can have  breakfast. We advise you to take a freshly squeezed fruit juice.

Then choose one of the following three possibilities. You can also alternate them as you see fit.

  • 1.  An apple, pear, pineapple or banana smoothie made from vegetable milk mixed with a spoon of brewer’s yeast, a spoon of fresh pollen and a spoon of prunes and crushed almonds.
  • 2.  Wholemeal bread toasted with tahini (sesame paste) or avocado.
  • 3.  Wholemeal bread sandwich with an omelet or tortilla.

Detox week: in the morning

If you are hungry during the morning, you can eat a piece of fruit or a handful of dried fruit.

You can also take an infusion of boldo, milk  thistle  or dandelion.

Detox week: at noon

Healthy mixed salad

Lunch consists of three dishes that you can combine or mix.

  • First course.  Gazpacho, salad, or baked apple.
  • Second course.  Brown rice, quinoa, wholemeal pasta, millet, baked or pan-fried potatoes.
  • Third course.  Fish, white meat, pulses.

You can season your dishes with extra virgin olive oil, a little salt and apple cider vinegar.

You can finish your meal with one of the herbal teas mentioned above.

Detox week: afternoon

In the afternoon, you can have the same snacks as those of the morning with the third and last infusion of the day.

Detox week: at dinner

If you want to take care of your liver, your dinners should be light and eaten relatively early, because the liver is rebuilt overnight. For it to regenerate properly, it is important that digestion is complete.

It is for this reason that we advise you during this week to take a homemade vegetable soup every evening , which you can season with seaweed, linseed oil and some wheat germ.

If you are still hungry, you can also eat an egg with a rice or corn cake.

Images courtesy of elle_ann, Foodmayhemcom and diekatrin

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