What Does Acne Tell You About Your Health?

Acne is a skin disease that occurs when the sebaceous glands produce more fat than usual, clogging pores and trapping oil and dead cells. When this happens, pimples and blackheads form, which can be mild or quite severe.

Although acne is normally caused by hormonal changes associated with puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, birth control pills, and stress, among others, can also be responsible.

Chinese medicine deduces that depending on the part of the face where acne occurs, it indicates that a place in our body is in poor health.

To find out what types of problems you have, all you have to do is identify what type of acne you have and what part of your face it is on.

Acne on the top of the forehead

Acne on this part of the forehead can indicate digestive system or bladder problems.

How to react ?

  • Drinking water helps flush toxins from the body, so it’s important to increase your intake and take a close look at the foods you eat.
  • Cut down on carbonated drinks and caffeinated drinks. Drink more herbal tea, especially green tea.
  • Eat less chocolate, cakes, and refreshments. Prefer plain mineral water and increase your intake of foods that help flush toxins from the body, such as boiled cabbage or baked apples.
  • Get 8 hours of non-stop sleep a day.
  • Get 20 to 30 minutes of light exercise every day, especially outdoors.
  • Relax to be less anxious.
  • Finally, practice better hair and skin hygiene habits.

Acne on the lower forehead

Stress and acne on the forehead

May be indicative of heart problems. This is because the heart is an important organ that pumps blood throughout the body.

If you are stressed from a poor diet, some inactivity, and various mental and physical strains, it is not just black dots that will appear on your lower forehead, your whole body may be affected. by various problems.

So exercise regularly to keep your heart going, eat a healthy diet, and let go of your stress.

How to react ?

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Eat healthy, fat free, and follow a high fiber diet.
  • Stop smoking.

Acne on the ears

This is because it indicates kidney problems. If you’re not careful, large, painful pimples can develop on your ears.

How to react ?

  • Increase your water intake.
  • Also avoid excess salt and caffeine.
  • Cleanse your kidneys with diuretics like parsley and water.

Acne on the eye area and between the eyebrows

This acne is indicative of liver problems. Viscosity, redness, peeling, and blackheads in the between the eyebrows can indicate that your liver is too busy and needs cleaning.

How to react ?

  • Eat fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C (kiwi, sweet pepper, orange).
  • Also, avoid eating too late at night, especially before going to bed, as the body will not digest food efficiently, resulting in a buildup of toxins.
  • Cut down on fats, sugary foods, fatty foods, alcohol, and dairy products, especially if you are lactose intolerant.
  • Likewise, the best foods to cleanse your liver are: garlic, grapefruit, green tea, carrots, beets, green leafy vegetables, lemon, and lime.

Acne on the cheeks

This can reveal problems with the lungs and the respiratory system. Rashes on the top of the cheeks can be related to stress, smoking, asthma, allergies, and infections. 

How to react ?

  • Do not smoke and avoid passive smoking.
  • Also exercise.
  • Avoid polluted places.
  • Foods that are helpful for healthy lungs are cabbage and squash.
  • Also add fresh vegetables, oats and rice to your diet.
  • Eat more foods like squash, winter melons, and green beans. Don’t overeat.
  • Also avoid fast food and junk food, as well as artificial sugar and sodas.
  • Do not consume mango, malanga, wine and seafood, as well as other foods that can be irritating.
  • Finally, eat less sugar.

Acne on the sides of the chin

This type of acne is usually due to hormonal issues. When you have pimples on the sides of your chin, it’s a sign of a period-induced hormonal imbalance. Emotional and physical stress can also be at the root of these hormonal disorders.

How to react ?

  • Don’t eat before going to bed.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • In addition, you can rest and sleep better.
  • Also get at least 20 minutes of exercise a day and massage your body to relax.
  • Finally, consume herbs that can help you balance your hormones like licorice, five flavor seeds, blue basil, apple scab, star anise, red raspberry leaves, green tea.

Acne on the middle of your chin

It may indicate mild bowel and stomach problems. It can also be due to diet and food allergies. Make sure to eliminate the wrong foods.

How to react ?

  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Rest more.
  • Increase your intake of water and fiber.

Acne on the chest and neck


Acne on areas like the chest and neck is usually caused by stress. Pay attention to your stress and try to eliminate the causes. It is important to be comfortable at work, as well as at home.

How to react ?

  • Eliminate the causes of your stress.
  • Wear comfortable clothes.
  • Consume more water and ascorbic acid to fight infections.

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