Few Things Require More Courage Than Letting Go

Letting go scares us. However, it is one of the healthiest decisions we can make although it sometimes costs us mistakes.

Have you ever thought about the fact that by not letting some things go, you are preventing others from coming in and taking their place? Give them the opportunity to show their potential. It is important to know how to let go.

Letting go scares us. However, it is one of the healthiest decisions we can make although it sometimes costs us mistakes.

Why ?

The past holds us back, fears prevent us from making this much-needed resolution. We may feel like the losers.

But you didn’t lose, you won.

You must be very strong, and also aware that remorse and doubts will invade your mind to disorient you and beg you to back off.

Remember that you are very strong. Because few things require more courage than letting go.

Let go, get rid of what’s in excess

Maybe you don’t want to realize it, but the addiction and fear of letting go of what we hold dear presents us as essential and what is really too much.

When cleaning your closet, you often find clothes that you should already see thrown away. However, something inside you is starting to make you doubt.

It is difficult for us to let go of what was once important to us.

The relationships we have with others are necessary. We are sociable human beings in need of interacting with others.

However, emotions are very present and they lead us to suffer, to be happy, to worry about others …

Ending a long relationship because you don’t feel good anymore isn’t as easy as it sounds. You think about everything you’ve been through, what you’ve been through together.

woman in front of a train

Sometimes you will feel guilty, and even doing everything you can, it’s hard to get out of it.

And what happens when the other person leaves us? Exes are often puzzles. The duel is not easy and we want to go back.

However, you do not realize that with this attitude you are living in a past which is not present and will never be from the future.

The fear of letting go

The difficulty of letting go may be related to our actions which, instead of helping us, do the opposite.

You are not aware of it, but often the decisions we make are obscured by our negative emotions. These make us choose the worst paths.

Think about this toxic relationship that you are submerged in and cannot get out of.

Without realizing it, it is possible that you are fueling your rage or maybe you are using this situation to position yourself as a victim.

When they make you unhappy, when you are not happy, ask yourself if you are afraid to let go.

how to let go

We have a kind of addiction to painful experiences. Those that hold us back and prevent us from seeing the positive side of life.

But you can get out of this vicious cycle you’ve been caught in.

It’s a very liberating act

Even if you are in pain, even if you can think of regrets about the decision to let go, it is a very liberating act for sure.

To stop doubting, you can think about the following points:

  • Do not be afraid of loneliness : In reality we are not alone, but we feel it this way because we have let go of a person who filled a part of our life.

However, there are many things awaiting you and this feeling will not last long.

  • Letting go does not mean stopping loving: not holding someone by your side out of selfishness is proof of your love. Because loving someone does not mean owning him.
  • You have not failed, you have learned: Any stage that has a beginning and an end involves learning. You haven’t failed in your relationship, and it wasn’t all wrong.

It was an opportunity to grow, to learn and to mature.

  • No one is responsible for your happiness: Sometimes we think that other people are responsible for our happiness, but this is a big mistake.

You shouldn’t let others take care of this. Otherwise, when they leave, you will feel empty.

Letting go is a decision of courageous people and very necessary. It costs, it is difficult, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take it.

Sometimes there are times in life when it is necessary to get rid of something or someone that is preventing us from moving forward.

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