2 Natural Ways To Remove Streaks

Depending on their progress, it will be more or less difficult to reduce the presence of streaks. If they have a reddish tone, it is possible to make them disappear completely.

Getting rid of streaks, also called stretch marks, is a headache for many people. They are thought to affect only women but many men also suffer from them.

It is a group of irregular lines with a reddish tone. They are the result of a stretch produced on the layers of the skin, especially at the internal and intermediate level.

The problem with streaks is that they are particularly unsightly. In general, people lose self-esteem and are afraid to expose their bodies in public at the pool or on the beach  because of the gaze of others.

Factors and areas of the body most affected

Like any ailment, there are factors in their occurrence. Some are easy to control, others are more difficult.

Their presence is attributed to the instability of body weight: when the body grows and loses weight in an uncontrolled manner.

But that’s not the only trigger for streaks. Also during puberty and growth: the skin stretches and loses its elastic capacity, which causes these conditions.

Another factor that influences the appearance of streaks is pregnancy, or more. In this case, the marks are localized on the stomach area and on the sides.

There are also places where they appear more often, although of course it depends on the people:

These are the stomach, breasts, buttocks, thighs and hips. If, at the beginning, they generally have a reddish color, there are also other tones such as coffee or white tones, which are never very well defined.

Natural ways to remove streaks

Streaks are a type of skin condition doomed to evolve or progress, it must be said. This means that they are not all at the same stage. This is why some can be eliminated and others can only be treated.

Usually they are divided into groups. The most recent are those with a reddish tone and the oldest are those which are rather white.

As we have explained, the two can be treated. Reds are much easier to tone down, and can sometimes even disappear completely.

In this article, we will explain to you what are the natural alternatives that can treat them.

1. Lemon and olive oil

Lemon is a very popular citrus fruit in the world thanks to its large contributions, both medical and aesthetic. It stimulates the tissues of the skin thanks to its exfoliating and whitening properties. This comes from the critical acid, one of the main components of lemon.

On the other hand, olive oil is another excellent ingredient for health, thanks to its high content of vitamin E, an essential nutrient for the skin.

If you use them together, these ingredients become a great alternative not only for removing streaks but also for radiant skin.


  • ½ lemon
  • 10 drops of extra virgin olive oil


  • Rub the lemon on the area where the streaks are (on the side where the juice comes out, of course).
  • At the same time, squeeze it while giving yourself a 10-minute circular massage.
  • Wait an additional 10 minutes and massage yourself with the extra virgin olive oil, until the skin has completely absorbed it.

2. The red grape

In general, grapes are eaten for dessert or as a snack. But not many people know how healthy they are for the health of the skin.

These delicious berries have very powerful antioxidant properties, which can help us remove streaks.


  • 10 red grapes
  • 1 cup of plain yogurt (200 g)

Preparation and application

  • Crush the grapes, without removing the skin or the seeds, and set aside.
  • Add the cup of plain yogurt to the raisins then mix.
  • Apply the mixture to the streaks using a circular massage.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

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