7 Mistakes To Avoid When Taking Care Of Your Skin

The details of our daily routine that influence the health of our skin are plentiful. Learn more in our article!

To have healthy, soft and luminous skin, you need to devote a little time to it. Removing makeup every night and using a cream every day will not always be enough. There are certain habits which are very harmful to the skin and which you should avoid at all costs in order to take good care of it.

Taking care of our skin is not just a question of aesthetics. It is also a question of health. We have to go beyond beauty products and aesthetic treatments and identify what mistakes we make. In this article, we will see what are the 7 mistakes to avoid when taking care of our skin.

Skin care mistakes to avoid

Too exfoliate

Take care of your skin by not exfoliating too much

It is true that exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the face and helps make the skin look better. However, you shouldn’t overdo it. Too much exfoliation can cause serious damage to the skin.

If we exfoliate our skin too much, we will eliminate the cells that we are trying to heal and prevent them from growing properly. In addition, by doing this, you can dry out your skin, which promotes the appearance of wrinkles. You can therefore exfoliate your skin at most once a week.

Do not use sunscreen

The sun is very bad for the health of the skin. It is the number 1 cause of skin aging, because UV rays cause spots and wrinkles in addition to promoting skin cancer. It is for this reason that it is necessary to use a sunscreen adapted to our type of skin, in summer as in winter.

Do not remove makeup before sleeping

When you get home late and are exhausted, going to bed without removing your makeup can be very tempting. This is one of the most common mistakes. And also one of the most harmful for the skin. A good cleansing before sleeping is essential so that the skin can renew itself and nourish itself during the night.

If you don’t remove your makeup, your skin will stay dry and opaque. In addition, the dirt on the skin will clog the pores, which could promote the appearance of acne, blackheads and pimples of all kinds. We must therefore remove all makeup using a cleansing cream or a product recommended for our skin type.

Not using products correctly: another mistake to avoid when taking care of your skin

This error is also very common. The most common is not knowing our skin type very well. This is the first thing to do: analyze whether our skin is rather normal, dry, oily, combination or sensitive. With this information in mind, we will be able to choose the products that best suit our skin.

In addition, it is important to know what function each product fulfills: day cream, night cream, serum, eye contour, tonic lotion, cleansing gel … Each product has a specific effect for health and skin care, and it is important to know how to use them correctly.

Pressing buttons

To take care of your skin, don't touch your pimples!

The temptation to push buttons can be great. However, it is a big mistake not to make if you want to take care of your skin. The best is to leave them alone, not to touch them and to apply a product so that they disappear as quickly as possible. Also, you can optionally apply a complexion corrector, if necessary.

Mistakes to avoid in the diet to take care of your skin

Diet is a key factor when it comes to taking care of your skin. To have healthy and radiant skin, it is necessary to consume a lot of fruits, vegetables and nutritious foods. Thus, we will give our skin the nutrients and antioxidants it needs. On the other hand, it is also essential to hydrate and avoid bad habits.

Not getting enough sleep

In order for your skin to be able to renew itself during the night, it is necessary that you spend restful nights with a sufficient amount of hours of sleep. Everyone is different, but the general recommendation is 8 hours of sleep per night. Thus, your face will be fresh and rested in the morning.

On the contrary, lack of sleep will immediately result in dark circles and the skin will appear tired, dry and lackluster. Also, it is important to wash pillowcases frequently, as this is where a large amount of impurities and substances accumulate that can be harmful to the health of the skin.

As we have seen, these good habits will help our skin to be brighter and to look much healthier. You can now try to practice these tips on a daily basis to achieve the results you are looking for.

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