The 6 Disadvantages Of Extreme Diets

Extreme diets offer restrictive and dangerous diet plans. Although they cause you to lose weight quickly, they cause side effects that can reduce your quality of life.

Extreme diets have grown in popularity around the world as a “quick” way to lose weight in a matter of days. These are restrictive diet plans that sharply decrease total daily calories, overriding our body’s nutritional needs.

The results given are almost “miraculous” and that is why many people decide to adopt them. The downside is that these are diets that force our body to exceed its limits, causing it a series of adverse reactions.

In addition, the majority of these plans produce the famous “yoyo effect”, and it is for this reason that many fail by wanting to lose weight quickly and in an insecure way.

What are the risks of extreme diets? Although many prefer to ignore it, this variety of dietary programs shows disadvantages that endanger our health in many ways. Discover them!

The disadvantages of extreme diets we all need to know

The majority of people interested in an extreme diet have gained weight as a result of the excess in their diet. Wanting to regain their previous figure, they opt for these plans that promise results in a few days or weeks.

This does not mean that all diets are bad. However, if you want to lose weight, it is better to  choose options that offer a balanced diet full of nutrients.

When these criteria are not met, weight loss can be linked to poor nutrition or illness. Therefore, even if they make you lose weight, these are diets that are not recommended by any expert in nutrition. Let’s see some of their disadvantages here:

  1. They can produce hypoglycemia

negative effects of extreme diets

People who follow a diet where you have to endure hunger have a good chance of suffering from an episode of hypoglycemia. Whether it is because they go without eating, or because they take food substitutes.

In addition, the cells do not obtain the fuel required to work under optimal conditions, which causes states of fatigue and weakness.

  1. They increase cholesterol levels

When extreme diets are based on the consumption of meat and protein,  the risk of suffering from problems from high cholesterol in the blood is increased. This is also why many patients end up having pain problems in the joints.

Even though the body has the ability to digest protein, too much can overload its functions. One of the consequences is the increase in lipids in the blood, which increases the risk of serious cardiovascular disease.

  1. They cause digestive problems

While some extreme diets lead to the development of constipation and problems in the colon, others produce episodes of diarrhea and dehydration. The diet may be deficient in dietary fiber, a key nutrient for digestion.

negative effects of extreme diets

In addition, when it contains too much fiber and water, as is the case with the diet based on fruits and vegetables, it can cause abdominal cramps and watery, loose stools.

  1. They produce the yoyo effect

The body responds to any type of restrictive diet and therefore it is normal to lose weight. But once regular eating habits are restored, the body reacts to the change and causes the famous yoyo effect.

As a result, the feeling of anxiety about food increases, as well as the tendency to accumulate fat in various parts of the body. It is for this reason that many quickly regain their lost weight.

  1. They affect your immune system

A sudden change in diet and restriction of essential nutritional foods can significantly affect immune health. Often, those who submit to extreme diets are more prone to suffering from infections and illnesses.

When the body is not physically prepared, it uses up its natural antibiotics to replace minerals that it is not receiving. Therefore weaken our defenses and the antigens can attack the tissues without difficulty.

  1. They produce metabolic disorders

Extreme diets that propose to completely eliminate a group of nutrients can lead to metabolic disorders. By limiting, for example, carbohydrates and fats, the activity of the metabolism will suffer from the change.

As a result, many functions of the vital organs are impaired and symptoms and ailments occur which can affect the quality of life when not controlled in time. A few of them include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Hyper or hypo thyroidism
  • Dyslipidemias
  • Liver disorders

Do you want to lose weight without compromising your health? Instead of going on extreme diets, choose a comprehensive diet plan that fits your needs. Even if the results take a little longer to arrive, they are more certain and permanent.

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