What’s The Point Of Stepping In Cold Water?

To get benefits, you don’t have to put your feet in cold water for too long. 15 seconds are enough for our immune system to react.

In winter, after an exhausting day, all we think about is going home to drink something warm and put our feet in a basin of lukewarm water with some essences. However, studies show that for the best health benefits we need to use cold water. Even when the outside temperatures are close to 0 ºC!

Find out in this article what are the properties of this treatment.

Feet in cold water, the wonderful results

This home remedy is really simple and contains many properties. You just need to put your feet in cold water. 

This technique has been recommended by natural medicine for its fantastic results. It must be repeated for 15 days in a row to take advantage of its properties.

In a container large enough to hold both feet (they must fit in their entirety), put cold tap water.

Then add a few ice cubes to cool it down even more. The proportion is 18 ice cubes for 2 liters of water. When the ice cubes begin to melt and the liquid volume of the container increases, put your feet in.

Try to hold on for 15 seconds (even if it feels like forever). At first, the feeling is surprising but gradually you will get used to it.

Also, if you repeat this method every day, your feet will not feel the temperature changes as much. 

Once the recommended time is up, take your feet off and pat them dry with a towel, wrapping them well to keep them warm.

Finally, put on cotton or wool socks (the thickest you have) before going to bed.

Repeat the technique every night for two full weeks. If you tend to get sick fairly regularly, it is recommended that you do this twice a day.

What is the point of stepping into cold water?

Benefits of cold water.

We have given you a lead: strengthen the immune system. Contrary to popular belief, in order for our defenses to protect us against viruses and bacteria, we must “maintain” them.

How? ‘Or’ What ? By exposing them to a similar situation (as happens with vaccines).

When our immune system knows how to deal with changes in the temperature of the feet, it has the ability to prevent all types of cold-related illnesses.

But that’s not all. The cold water feet technique also relieves women who use heels or uncomfortable shoes all day, but also people who work standing or who sit for several hours at a time.

When they get home, they need something to relax their feet.

People who suffer from swelling or buildup in the ankles and uppers will see a big change in their body as soon as they start putting their feet in cold water. Just like those who suffer from varicose veins.

Here is the explanation. When we take our feet out of frozen water, they need “new” or clean blood to increase their temperature as quickly as possible.

This reaction of the body may be the one we need to avoid inflammation, pain, and other problems.

Likewise, it allows the lower muscles to invigorate themselves by filling with oxygen and the cells to function better.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not cold water (or low temperatures) that cure them, but what the body must do to generate heat and bypass this “dangerous” situation.

Metabolism and biological change are activated. As well as circulatory, nervous and muscular reactions.

What if we submerge the whole body?

One of grandma’s remedies when someone suffers from a fever is to soak in a tub of cold water.

Some may think it’s a drastic solution, but it’s a great way to lower your body temperature.

The same effect occurs with the feet. However, in this case, you should know that you should not wait too long to warm up the body because otherwise we get even more sick.

The hypothesis used to explain the results of this technique is as follows: “diseases are best cured from the outside to the inside”.

Cold water applied in abundance to the skin “awakens” the functions of the body, eliminates fever and congestion of the organs. And promotes the expulsion of impurities accumulated in the blood.

The small bath constricts the blood vessels to help them be more elastic. It helps to eliminate all the bad things that are in us.

We should not immerse directly in frozen or low temperature water. It is good to do it little by little. The “violent” way has effects that can be dangerous for the lungs and heart.

It is therefore advisable to start with the feet, then the legs, and thus up to the neck. The head must remain above the water. This is what we should always do when we go to the sea or to the swimming pool on vacation.

Remember, the colder the water, the better. Because the body will have to do more caloric work and the positive reactions will be more numerous.

Get ready for the big frozen plunge, so you don’t get sick and enjoy good health!

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