9 Tips To Naturally Deflate The Stomach In 15 Days

To successfully deflate the stomach, you have to take several aspects into account. One of the most common triggers is constipation, so you need to regulate your bowel movement to avoid problems.

Many people who have decided to lose weight also want to deflate their stomachs. This is often a difficult goal, on top of losing weight.

In this article, we are going to share with you 9 simple and surprising tips to deflate your stomach in 15 days, through diet and some very effective tips.

Why do we have a hard time deflating our stomachs?

Many people find it difficult to deflate their stomachs, even if they are successful in losing weight or are thin. You should know that hormonal, digestive or postural causes can also influence this condition.

Any imbalance can cause your abdomen or waistline to widen. In this case, you have to put your finger on the type of disorder in order to balance it in a natural way.

1. Eat slowly and chew well

The main cause of a swollen belly is digestive problems. And this is due to the fact that we do not chew food well. You should know that digestion begins in the mouth, with saliva. Especially when we eat carbohydrates.

Thus, we can notice a great improvement, both digestive and on the stomach if we chew each food until it turns into liquid.

The healthiest thing is to eat without haste and without distractions, in a pleasant environment, and also avoiding too hectic conversations.

2. Smoothies for breakfast

Since most people do not chew their food enough, if they opt for mixed foods, they will be able to loosen their stomachs more easily.

Smoothies are a good option and you can mix the following ingredients into them:

  • Fruits
  • Green vegetables
  • Dried fruits and seeds
  • Milk or extra virgin coconut oil
  • Oats
  • Pure cocoa powder

Having a good smoothie breakfast every morning also helps us lose weight without feeling hungry and gain energy and vitality for the whole day.

3. Soups and gazpachos for dinner

In the evening, if we follow the same example, we can prepare vegetable soups and fresh vegetable juices such as gazpacho.

If we mix it with a ration of soft protein (such as lean meat, fish, egg, cream cheese, avocado, dried fruit), then we will have a complete and balanced dinner.

It’s also important to eat light and early to avoid getting up in the morning with a bloated stomach.

4. Play with spices

There is an infinite number of spices which, in addition to stimulating the taste of our recipes, also help us improve digestion, activate the metabolism and fight against flatulence, three excellent virtues for deflating the stomach.

We recommend the following spices; among others:

  • Fennel
  • Cumin
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Oregano
  • The Basilic

5. Replace dessert with a digestive infusion

Mixing foods is also fundamental for reducing the tummy and losing weight, as well as for good health. It is therefore important to opt for simple meals, without mixing different types of protein, in addition to avoiding fruits and desserts.

Sweet foods are much better for afternoon tea.

6. End constipation

People who suffer from chronic constipation need to resolve this disorder if they want to have a smooth stomach. They can do this naturally with some of these remedies:

  • Flax seeds that have been soaked in water overnight
  • Prunes
  • Ripe kiwi
  • Psyllium dissolved in water
  • Senna infusions (occasionally)
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothies
  • Whole grains

7. Move the waistline

When we say exercise to lose weight and get in shape, of course we are talking about waistline exercise.

Any type of cardiovascular exercise, such as running, dancing, or aerobics, along with stomach and waist stretches, helps to loosen and tone the abdomen.

8. Eliminate stress

Stress alters hormonal balance, which is also linked to belly size. Thus, many stressed people have swollen stomachs while they are otherwise thin.

To relieve stress, we need to exercise to burn energy and practice relaxation techniques. As well as following, of course, a balanced diet.

9. Have a good rest

There is another factor as important as the rest: nighttime rest. If we don’t get enough sleep, our body is stressed and we can gain weight and volume.

There are no exact times for rest. But each person must find their rhythm and know the number of hours they need to rest well, and enjoy restful and quality sleep.

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