6 Tips And Recommendations For A Perfect Homemade Manicure

Since the grease in creams can make it difficult to set the nail polish, when we moisturize our hands it is recommended to avoid the nail area .

The hands are an important part of our beauty and our personal image, because the care we give them says a lot about our personality. To offer their clients the possibility of having beautiful clean and very presentable hands, beauty centers offer manicures.

Through different techniques, it makes it possible to give a beautiful appearance to our nails. Nowadays, many people have specialized in this type of beauty treatment.

However, these days, economic difficulties mean that we are all looking for cheaper natural alternatives.

In this article, we want to share with you some basic tips for achieving the perfect homemade manicure. In case you cannot go to a professional beautician, due to lack of time or money.

Eliminate the previous varnish

The first thing to do is to remove the remains of the varnish that were applied during a previous manicure, and which remain fixed on the nails. Get a gentle, gentle nail polish remover. Because some products have aggressive compounds that could weaken them.

Soak a cotton ball in nail polish remover. Then apply it to your nails, exerting light pressure for a minute, to dissolve the polish and remove it easily.

Avoid rubbing your cotton from side to side, as this will only stain your fingers.

File your nails to give them a nice shape

File your nails to give them a nice shape

The file is an essential part of a good manicure. Because it allows to give a beautiful shape to the nails, before working the cuticles and applying other products.

Choose cardboard files, as metal files tend to weaken and damage nails easily.

To file correctly, go back and forth in the same direction, avoiding zigzags which can damage the nails.

Go from the side towards the center, very gently, giving the shape you want.

Avoid filing the surface of the nails, as you will only remove the layer that protects them, and you will weaken them.

Immerse your hands in hot water

Hot water relaxes the hands and softens the cuticles. So that this part is easier to work on. Experts recommend avoiding cutting the cuticles, as they have a protective function of the nail.

During this step, you must remove the cuticles that are clinging to the surface of the nail, using a specific cream and an orange tree stick.

Moisturize and apply a base

After immersing your hands in hot water, you should apply a moisturizer,  without putting it on the nails, because the grease in these products can interfere with the setting of the varnish.

Before applying your colored polish, remember to use a good base to avoid yellowish discolorations, and to polish the surface of your nails well.

Apply the varnish

perfect manicure: just two coats of varnish

Choose the color of varnish that appeals to you the most. Then apply it starting at the center of your nail, working outwards, before brushing down the sides.

The ideal is to apply two coats so that the color is brilliant and perfect.

To do this, you must first apply one, then wait for it to dry before applying another. You should avoid applying more coats, as the polish will stick badly on your nails, and it will deteriorate quickly.

Finish with a drying varnish

To finish a perfect manicure, wait for the second coat of varnish to dry. Then apply a few drops of colorless drying varnish, so that your varnish sets well and shines perfectly.

Last manicure tips

Hands and fingernails are exposed to a large number of factors every day that can make them dirty, affect their health, and therefore make them appear neglected.

It is recommended to perform a manicure at least once a week. If your nails are already fragile, you should avoid applying aggressive varnishes, which could aggravate the problem.

In this case, the best thing to do is to clean them, then apply a fortifying product before applying the color.

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