Secrets Of The Food Industry And Ready- Made Meals

Ready-made meals are highly dangerous to health.

Ready-made meals are increasingly invading the market. The frozen foods offered in large numbers offer consumers an easy and quick alternative to their meals.

The taste of these dishes is appetizing enough that some people consume them regularly. They also consume it at any time of the day.

The food industry sells a large amount of food through false advertising. It does not warn us of the consequences that these products can have on our body when we consume them in the usual way.

The secrets of the global food industry are plentiful. Its goal is clearly to have loyal consumers, regardless of the effect these products have on health.

However, these secrets were revealed by researchers, who pointed out the dangers of frequently consuming ready-made meals.

Highly dangerous foods

One of the keys to the success of ready-made food is that it will always taste the same until its expiration date.

What consumers don’t know is that to achieve this taste, these foods have been subjected to a series of chemical treatments. They have been added a multitude of preservatives to keep them in a fresh and delicious state at all times.

fast food and its dangers

Most prefabricated or processed foods are high in sugar, saturated fat, sodium. But also in chemicals, and contain much less fiber than the recommended dose.

Frequent consumption of these foods can have negative health impacts. In the long term, they cause diseases such as:

  • Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Certain types of cancer

Prefabricated foods that represent a health risk include: cupcakes, chocolates, yogurts, donuts. But also ice cream, cereal bars, sodas, ready meals, burgers.

There are also instant soups and macaroni, cans, cold meats. Usually, it is junk food that is sold to be eaten immediately.

One of the main problems with these foods is that they lose nutrients and contain a large amount of calories.

That is, by eating them, you will increase your intake of calories. But without absorbing the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, fundamental for the proper functioning of the body and the digestion of fats.

Acrylamide: one of the main dangers of prefabricated foods

Carcinogenic foods in ready-made meals

The food industry has done an excellent job convincing consumers of the value of ready-made meals.

The advertisements show how easy it is to prepare these dishes and how delicious they are. This generates a certain confidence among consumers who end up buying it regularly.

However, several studies have set out to unmask everything that advertisements say. They may have alarmed consumers about the dangers of food offered to us by the deceptive food industries.

One of the highly harmful substances that researchers found over a decade ago is a potentially neurotoxic chemical. It is also a cancer trigger called acrylamide.

This substance is created when foods rich in carbohydrates are prepared at high temperatures. Whether fried, baked, roasted or grilled.

This chemical is therefore created during cooking at high temperature, from the reaction of sugars and an amino acid called asparagine.

Prefabricated foods that contain this dangerous substance include: chips, French fries, breadcrumbs, toast, crunchy bread or breakfast cereals, among others.

Consumers ignore these dangers

The big food industries are doing big advertising campaigns to win over consumers. They want to convince them to eat pre-made products.

However, they are not obliged to warn users of the danger that frequent consumption of these foods represents for health.

By law, certain foods must have a list of ingredients on their label. But also additives and chemicals with which they are prepared.

However, in some cases, for example, it is not specified that a croissant which has been frozen for weeks and which is full of additives cannot be sold as “fresh in the oven”.

Have you ever researched the components of what you eat?

If you begin to take an interest in the ingredients of ready-made meals, you will realize the dangers they pose to your health.

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