Why You Don’t Lose Belly Fat And How To Do It

A balanced diet accompanied by regular physical exercise is the perfect combination to reduce abdominal fat, be in better health and have a more beautiful figure.

Getting rid of belly fat isn’t just about seeing yourself better in the mirror.

Belly fat is not cosmetic, we know that; we don’t like it, that’s for sure; but above all, it is not healthy.

The excessive rounding of our belly directly prevents many related diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance.

Losing weight in this area of ​​the body is not easy. We will not succeed overnight. We must be regular, put willpower and improve our lifestyle as much as possible.

Losing abdominal fat is possible, however, we will show you how to do it below.

Did you know ? There are 7 reasons why we can’t lose belly fat

1. You still eat too many processed foods

We can go on a diet and follow it to the letter. We can even perform the exercises that we have been recommended and yet … What are we doing wrong so that so much effort is not noticeable on our stomach?

  • One of the main reasons is found in all those processed foods that we still eat: white bread, crackers and fries, refined sugar, soft drinks or drinks containing sweeteners …
  • Remember this information: Belly fat is linked to inflammation, which is why consuming too much processed foods will make it harder to lose belly fat.

2. You think you need to eliminate “all” type of fat

Some people do, and say they are “fat free” and end up eliminating a lot of those foods from their diet that actually help them burn belly fat.

We often tell you about it in our space: there are good fats, monounsaturated fats. They have anti-inflammatory effects and help us take care of our heart and improve our weight.

Do not hesitate a moment and add to your diet:

  • Olive oil
  • Lawyers
  • Nuts
  • Sun-flower seeds
  • Oily fish (such as salmon)

3. You may not be doing the exercises correctly.

Sometimes it is not enough to go for a half-hour walk, to go swimming, to dance, to do yoga …

  • All these workouts are healthy but in reality, they do not require us to work these “key areas” located on our abdominals, hips, back…
  • We must realize that to lose abdominal fat we need to make efforts, and it is therefore necessary to do very concrete exercises for this purpose.

4. You suffer from stress

This information is important because not everyone takes it into consideration and gives it importance.

It is possible that we will follow this wonderful diet that we have been recommended to the letter, go to the gym and have a trainer teach us the exercises to do to have a flat stomach as perfect as a ironing board.

However, nothing works. What is this due to?

  • Any source of stress that is maintained for a long time alters our metabolism and increases the level of cortisol in the blood.
  • The more cortisol we have, the more we run the risk that the level of visceral fat increases and that it adheres more easily …

6. You sleep little

Let us recall another information, “establish” in our brain this vital information: sleeping less than 6 hours robs us of life, health and psychological well-being.

And what’s more, if we spend 2 to 3 months in a row sleeping 5 to 6 hours every day, not only will we not lose belly fat, but we also take the risk of gaining weight. and develop diabetes.

7. Do you have a pear-shaped body?

It may sound ironic, but there is an explanation: we are talking about our body shape and our genetic tendency to accumulate fat in certain areas of our figure.

  • Some women are thinner on the upper part: face, chest, arms… However, they tend to gain weight on the abdominal area and the hips.
  • In this case, and for genetic reasons, it is common that it is more difficult for us to eliminate fat from this area. However, “difficult” is not synonymous with impossible.

Tips for losing belly fat and getting firmer

We said it at the beginning: having a firm, smooth stomach with less fat requires that we change many lifestyle habits.

But to achieve this metamorphosis, the ideal is to first promote a change in our mind.

  • Here are some simple sentences we can say to each other on a daily basis: “I am losing weight” (instead of “I want to lose weight”) or “I am proud of the efforts I make” (instead of “ I will make efforts”).

With these sentences we highlight the present action and the desired result and not just the process, which we sometimes neglect or which may end up escaping us.

Now take note of the recommendations that will help you get there, these are a few changes that we need to incorporate now:

  • Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water with lemon. During the day drink sage infusions.
  • Eat soluble fiber, cut back on refined carbohydrates, and don’t skip meals throughout the day.
  • Eliminate alcohol and “trans” fats from your diet. Replace these with monounsaturated foods and increase protein intake.
  • Manage stress, do aerobic and resistance exercises.
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
  • Eat fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines …
  • Eat probiotic foods that take care of your gut flora.
  • Take your diet and these tips with someone else. If we have a common goal with a friend, relative or partner, we will feel more motivated.

Finally, also remember that the results will not be seen in a few weeks or months.

In fact, we should never stop following these rules in order to guarantee ourselves a good lifestyle and a good diet.

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