Showing Kindness Without Looking At Others

Kindness does not seek recognition. Good people act on their principles, to feel good about themselves and others, not to receive compliments.

Kindness is something one chooses to practice. We could tell you that nobility is a dimension that arises directly in a person’s heart, but this is not true.

It has a lot to do with how we react to negative or complicated situations.

We all go through times of anguish and difficulty in which we are more inclined to act with selfishness, even with pride.

However, it is not impossible to choose to react kindly, even if it is difficult.

Being good doesn’t mean showing blissful innocence or allowing ourselves to be manipulated by those around us. The nobility of spirit is that which is faithful to its values. When faced with a negative situation, it is better to act kindly.

However, the nuances of our personalities are such that it is not always easy to understand and control our reactions.

In the rest of this article, we invite you to reflect on this subject.

Kindness makes us doubt our actions

Rick Hanson is a famous neuropsychologist from the University of Berkeley in the United States, who has written many interesting books, such as “ The Buddha’s Brain: Happiness, Love and Wisdom in the Age of Neuroscience ”.

According to his own experience in the study of human kindness and happiness, people with noble hearts tend to continually question their actions.

  • They are afraid of not being specific enough in their communication, they are concerned about whether they have been useful or not, and are very attentive to the results of their actions.
  • People with a noble heart are often obsessed with the mistakes they have made.
  • They question the things they do a lot because they are very demanding of themselves. It can cause them great suffering.

According to Dr. Hanson, most of the people around them see them as real references in their life, thanks to the authenticity and tenderness they know how to show, even though they always think they could have done more.

It is very important to take a few moments to reflect around these dimensions.

Kindness in everyday life.

Knowing how to stay calm in times of anger

Good people can also get angry and experience rage and nervousness. We are all human beings and we are all subject to the effects that situations of injustice or selfish behavior have on us.

However, we must keep in mind that in times of anger or rage it is important to keep our emotions in check.

  • Noble-hearted people, as they are very demanding of themselves, think of the consequences of their actions before acting and seek above all the common good, not contempt or aggression.
  • Good people believe in justice, but not in sanctioning justice, rather in democratic and constructive justice. In a moment of anger, they will therefore do everything to keep their calm and to act in the most beneficial way for all.

Kindness is not something to think about, but a way to find harmony in our life

The central elements of kindness are respect, reciprocity, the need to bring well-being to others, balance, inner peace and the constant application of our own values ​​in the actions we take.

Doing good without looking at others is not easy, because there are times when we can witness inappropriate behavior. However, we always have to look on the bright side and be okay with ourselves.

Only in this way can we be in harmony with our inner life, as well as with the outside world.

Doing good requires knowing how to recognize it

Let’s go back to the idea conveyed by Dr. Hanson: good people do not see themselves that way because they question a lot of things and they often remain fixed on the mistakes they may have made in the past.

Kindness in the family.

From there, let’s retain the following few ideas.

You have strong principles and values ​​that define each of your actions. Whenever you do something for someone, stop for a few moments to think about the action you just took.

  • For example, one of your friends has a relationship problem. You suggest that she come to your place for a few days so that she can think, relax and make the right decision.
  • After this time spent with you, she thanks you for your support and explains how important you are in her life. For her, you symbolize that much-needed pillar without which she would be lost.

Think about it and enjoy this exceptional bond because here is what really matters: showing the best of ourselves and trying to do good.

Doing good without looking at others costs nothing and means a lot.

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