6 Strategies To Reduce Cholesterol Consumption When Cooking

To reduce cholesterol it is advisable to cook alternative to fried foods, such as steaming or grilling. We will thus avoid excess fat.

Cholesterol is a lipid necessary for the body to function optimally since it promotes the production of certain hormones, digestive acids and body structures.

The liver secretes it internally but it is also absorbed through the consumption of certain foods that contain it.

Although it is very important for health it can also become a dangerous enemy when not adequately controlled.

Because when you do not know its function, excessive levels could increase cardiovascular risk and kidney and liver problems.

Most worrying of all, most people are unaware that they have an elevated rate because, as with other illnesses, severe symptoms usually do not appear early on.

For this reason, doctors recommend carrying out periodic examinations and a balanced diet, controlled in fat and calories.

We will therefore share with you in this article 6 interesting strategies for you to start reducing their consumption while cooking.

1. Replace the margarine

Decrease the consumption of cholesterol and butter.

Margarine is a food product whose composition includes high levels of cholesterol and saturated fat.

Its regular consumption can influence the imbalances of blood lipids and, at the same time, promote the appearance of cardiovascular disorders such as arteriosclerosis.

To reduce or avoid it, it is advisable to use vegetable oils such as:

  • Sunflower
  • Olive
  • Rapeseed
  • Safflower
  • Lawyer

2. Change the seasonings

The sauces and seasonings used to enhance the flavor of certain dishes usually contain too many calories and saturated fat.

Their excessive consumption increases the levels of bad cholesterol and, in the long term, promotes the development of certain metabolic disorders.

It is therefore advisable to replace them with other healthier alternatives such as:

  • Sour cream
  • Low calorie mustard
  • Greek yogurt
  • Natural tomato sauce
  • Herbs and spices

3. Eat low calorie dairy products

Milk to decrease the consumption of cholesterol.

Animal products such as dairy products are an important source of cholesterol which, over time, influences its rise in the blood.

Milk, yogurt and cheese have high levels of saturated fat which can affect health.

For this, it is therefore recommended to acquire “low in calories”, “skim” or “zero fat  ” products to moderate their consumption.

It is also essential to take into account that, despite their labels, these products contain a high level of calories and, therefore, it is not advisable to consume them in excess.

4. Use extra virgin olive oil to lower cholesterol intake

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the “healthy fats” that are great to include in our daily diets.

It is a natural source of essential fatty acids which, instead of accumulating cholesterol, facilitates its elimination from the blood to control its levels.

It has a high concentration of antioxidant substances which slow down oxidative nuisances to reduce the risk of arterial hardening.

In addition, its flavor is very pleasant and combines perfectly with a lot of vegetables.

5. Change the cooking method

Cooking to decrease cholesterol consumption.

Although many are unaware of it, the method of cooking food is closely linked with the increase in lipids in the blood.

Both cholesterol and triglycerides can increase due to the use of oils in meal preparation.

Frying instead of broiling or baking in the oven is a habit that over time causes negative health effects.

In addition, we must not forget that high temperatures decrease or destroy the nutritional quality of the ingredients.

6. Increase the consumption of vegetables

Vegetables are excellent allies in lowering cholesterol levels and other associated problems.

They are very low in calories and packed with nutrients that cleanse the arteries and improve their elasticity.

Some nutritionists suggest that the servings of this food be equivalent to half a plate.

In this way we take advantage of their satiating powers. At the same time, the body is supplied with an interesting amount of essential nutrients.

It should be noted that the ideal is to consume them raw, because this is the only way to obtain 100% of their benefits.

As you have seen, with simple advice you can start to control cholesterol through food.

Put them into practice while cooking and live a healthier life.

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