What Is The Law Of The Mirror? Everything You Should Know

The law of the mirror is the one that shows us in those around us what we do not like about us, in order to realize our inner being.

You may have heard of the Law of the Mirror before, or maybe it is completely new to you.

Whatever your case, today we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about it and what defines it.

At first, the law of the mirror affirms what we have seen in other people as a real reflection of what you have in you. That is, if you see things in a person, what you are observing is a reflection of what you are inside.

The past is there like a lesson.

Its goal is to solve problems, whether simple or serious, with people who are close and belonging to our social circle.

They can be acquaintances, friends, relatives or friends, among others.

However, this law is something that has to happen inside.

What is the law of the mirror?

What is the law of the mirror?

The principle of the law of the mirror suggests that the heart is at the origin of everything.

This is where the reasons why we react in a certain way to the opinions or actions of others towards us lie.

A strong enough argument presents itself as a simple example:

We need to focus on the reactions of those around us to the comments or actions received. Tons of different feelings arise in each person.

The above suggests that the reaction depends on what remains in one’s heart.

For that, through this law, one can understand this kind of things and, at the same time, start to transform the negative.

We must go step by step until we react to situations, in a more peaceful way and free from thoughts harmful to the mind.

Analyze the behavior of others

Knowing what the law of the mirror is, one must step by step into practice.

The people we find around us are an essential part of our life and of who we are as human beings.

We often have an infinite number of things that bother us about them, which is totally normal.

Ways of acting, reactions, lies, the external control of our family over our life… All these things are unexpected, embarrassing and even tortuous.

We need to analyze along those lines, without starting to react in any way.

Analyze your own behavior

The law of the mirror in analysis.

The good and bad things in life are not just found in other people. We also have a series of very remarkable characteristics, which may please or annoy those around us.

To analyze yourself you have to let go and be on edge. Self-criticism is one of the best practices, as long as it is used well.

As a human being, error is not foreign to the way we behave. However, that should not be an excuse to justify everything.

This is why we need to study the way we treat the people around us and locate errors in our own behavior.

Putting the Law of the Mirror into Practice

Enough theory. The best thing about this law is to put it into practice as quickly as possible.

As a basis for what we have previously mentioned, we already know how to analyze others and ourselves or, at least, we have already put it into practice.

Now, we are going to move forward on this path to take advantage of the Law of the Mirror:

  • To do this, all you have to do is choose a person. This one should not please us very much, in this way the exercise will be much more relevant.
  • With the person in mind (someone we don’t empathize with and who is thought to have done us a lot of harm), we make a list of all the positive things we need to thank them for. .
  • To achieve it we must take the necessary time. Patience and zero anxiety are the ingredients to achieve it as it should be.
  • Once finished we will read it aloud, as if we were facing this person.

Contact the person

The law of the mirror in practice.

Going further, the Law of the Mirror suggests taking care of the connections with those around us.

In this way, our body will gradually put aside destructive thoughts and empathy will gradually appear.

When facing this person, we will mention the list of positive things and, if necessary, we will ask for forgiveness.

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