9 Tips To Stop Eating Meat Without Suffering From Deficiencies

If you stop eating meat and continue to consume dairy products, eggs or fish, you will no problem of vitamin B12 deficiencies. 

People who decide to stop eating meat are often confused when it comes to changing their diet. If this is not done correctly, the consequences for health can be significant. Because we can suffer from nutritional deficiencies or even gain weight in a short time.

In this article, we give you the keys to stop consuming meat in a conscious and safe way, while following a healthy and balanced diet.

Stop eating meat without damaging our health

Wanting to stop consuming meat makes no sense if this measure directly degrades our health.

This decision, which we can make out of conviction or because of a specific disease, should lead us to a greater awareness of the foods we eat and the nutrients we need.

It is not the same to stop eating meat as it is to follow a 100% vegetarian diet.

  • If we stop eating meat, but continue to eat eggs, fish and dairy products, we can skip this step without any health risks.
  • However, we always recommend the follow-up of a nutritionist.

Stop eating meat without damaging our health

1. The wonderful benefits of the egg

Eggs are a very complete superfood that can be a perfect substitute for any other animal protein.

Although a few years ago it was recommended not to abuse eggs, today you can eat them almost every day if you do not suffer from cholesterol problems, especially for those who do not eat meat.

They are an excellent source of protein and good fats.

We especially recommend the consumption of eggs of organic origin. It is enough to crack a conventional egg and an ecological one to confirm the difference between the two.

2. Be careful with dairy products

Many people who stop eating meat make up for the consumption of dairy products, with milk or cheese.

However, these foods can be more harmful than you think. Because they increase our cholesterol levels and cause digestive problems.

We can find alternatives by discovering the amazing world of vegetable drinks and combining them with more digestive dairy products such as yogurt or ghee.

3. The danger of flour

One of the mistakes of those who start a meatless diet is to overuse flours, as pizza, pasta, and sandwiches are often an easy and quick fix.

Still, they are not a good option. Because they can make us fat in a very short time and in addition not provide us with the necessary nutrients.

We must therefore increase the consumption of vegetables, salads and fruit juices to get the dose of vitamins and minerals, as well as the fibers that will satisfy us.

Stop eating meat without damaging our health: the danger of flour

4. Choose the right fish

If we do not eat meat but only fish we advise you to avoid or not to abuse large oily fish (salmon, tuna, swordfish), as it can contain high amounts of heavy metals.

These metals are potentially toxic to health, especially to children and pregnant women.

  • But we can eat small fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, etc.) and white fish.

5. Other sources of calcium

You should know that milk is not the only source of calcium. Moreover, it is not entirely certain that it is as beneficial as it is said. We can find large amounts of calcium in the following foods:

  • Sesame
  • Algae
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds

6. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a particularly important problem if we do not consume any food of animal origin, in which case we can take it as a dietary supplement.

This vitamin is present in:

  • Eggs.
  • Dairies.
  • Pisces.
  • Sea food.

7. Iron

Iron can be taken as a supplement as long as it is recommended by a doctor’s prescription.

If we have iron deficiency anemia, we can get the necessary amount of this mineral from the following foods:

  • Spinach
  • Dried fruits such as pistachio
  • Parsley
  • Beet
  • Lentils
  • Yeast
  • Whole grains like oats
  • Broccoli

Stop eating meat without damaging our health: iron supplement

8. Vegetable proteins

There are plants very rich in protein, in particular:

  • Dried fruits and seeds
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains like oats or quinoa
  • Hemp
  • Yeast
  • Spirulina
  • Peas

9. Whole grains, dried fruits and seeds

By following a balanced diet without including meat we should not forget the whole grains which contain the most nutrients as well as fiber.

We must not omit either the nuts, raw or roasted, and the seeds that we can also germinate to increase their nutritional virtues.

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