Yoga Exercises For Weight Loss

Yoga exercises are a great supplement to lose weight and tone muscles. In fact, they can be practiced perfectly as an alternative to traditional daily workouts.

Yoga exercises for weight loss have become one of the preferred alternatives for people struggling with overweight. Although it is necessary to adopt other measures to eliminate those “extra” pounds, this type of activity is very beneficial.

In fact, some people prefer yoga exercises over traditional physical training. Because it allows you to burn fat and strengthen muscles at the same time. Additionally, it improves emotional well-being and helps control anxiety that leads to overeating.

Yoga is also recommended to take care of the mind. One of the main reasons people enjoy yoga is that in the society we live in today, stress, anxiety, and depression are increasingly common ailments.

To cope with all this, we must therefore seek solutions that help us improve our quality of life.

The best thing about yoga is that it can be practiced from any location, since it brings together a series of positions that require little space and are easy to perform. Haven’t you tried yet?

Today we share with you in this article 5 interesting options for you to get started in this discipline.

Yoga exercises that will allow you to lose weight smoothly

1. Camel position

Yoga exercises that will allow you to lose weight smoothly

The camel position also called ustrasana is a complete yoga exercise to lose weight and tone your whole body. It is specially recommended for reducing abdominal size because this area of ​​the body works in a special way.

How to achieve this position?

  • Kneel down on the yoga mat with your back straight. Make sure the knees are hip-width apart.
  • Support yourself on the tips of your feet so that your feet are slightly lifted off the mat.
  • Then stretch your arms forward and stretch your body back.
  • Hold the position for 10 or 15 seconds, keeping the abdomen contracted.
  • Then return to the original position by expelling the air slowly.
  • Perform between 3 and 6 repetitions.

2. Position of the cobra

The cobra position especially strengthens the muscles of the lower back and abdomen. In addition, this position is recommended to reassert the buttocks and reduce the accumulation of fat in the hips.

How to achieve this position?

  • Lie face down on the yoga mat, resting on your abdomen with your legs extended.
  • Put your palms next to your chest and then lift your upper body.
  • Fold back as far as possible and look ahead.
  • Hold for 10 seconds in this position and relax.
  • Perform between 5 and 8 repetitions.

3. Warrior’s stance

exercises to lose weight: the warrior

The warrior stance is a yoga exercise for weight loss that, among other things, increases the capacity of your lungs. Thanks to its practice, this position allows to work at the same time the abdominal muscles, the legs and the buttocks.

How to achieve this position?

  • Stand on the floor and separate your legs.
  • Turn the right leg to the right and keep the left leg in front, forming a 90 degree angle.
  • Raise your hands to the ceiling and then stretch them out as much as possible.
  • Join the palms of your hands together in a prayer position and then look up.
  • Then take a deep breath, relax, and repeat this practice with the opposite side.
  • Perform between 10 and 12 repetitions.

4. Position of the clamp

This clamp position is one of the best yoga exercises for weight loss, especially when the goal is to combat belly fat. This position is very easy to achieve, although it does require a bit of physical resistance and flexibility.

How to achieve this position?

  • Sit on the mat with your back straight and legs straight.
  • Exhale and bend the body forward, trying to touch the tips of the feet with your hands.
  • Try to grip the toes and then rest the forehead on the top of the calves or on the knees.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds and rest.
  • Try to complete 8 or 10 repetitions.

5. Arc position

To complete this simple series of yoga exercises for weight loss, we recommend the classic bow pose.

It is an activity of flexibility and concentration that allows you to burn fat and strengthen your buttocks. In addition, it provides more stability to the spine and reduces back pain.

How to achieve this position?

  • Lean on the mat with your abdomen and bend your legs back.
  • Try to lift your legs from the back to form an arch.
  • Lift your upper body and look in front of you.
  • Then extend your arms back and try to grab your legs with your hands.
  • Breathe in and out deeply and hold this arch position for at least 10 seconds.
  • Rest and perform 5 repetitions.

Are you trying to lose weight and still not exercising? If you don’t want to go through a gym routine, go for these interesting yoga poses. Although at first you may have doubts about how to master them, gradually you will increase flexibility and stamina.

Yoga has become an indispensable practice for many people. They seek well-being at all levels, physical and mental, to enjoy life more and feel better about themselves. Do not hesitate to start practicing yoga gently at home and you will notice the results very quickly.

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