Eggplant: A Slimming And Health Ally

Drinking a glass of eggplant juice before main meals helps us avoid the absorption of fat. In addition, this gesture helps detoxify the body and improve kidney function.

Eggplant is a vegetable with multiple properties in cooking: it is tasty and goes wonderfully with many dishes. But few people know eggplant as a slimming ally!

Indeed, eggplant contains a lot of water and fiber while being low in calories, which makes it an ideal health and slimming ally in any diet!

Eggplant is native to India and has many benefits. It is an excellent vegetable that can be included in our daily diet.

In this article, we will focus on eggplant juice, an effective technique for losing weight week after week as part of a balanced diet.

The benefits of eggplant

Eggplant juice: a slimming and health ally

  • Aid in digestion,
  • Allows to reduce the level of fat in the body thanks to the saponin which prevents its absorption.
  • Fights cellulite.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Eliminates free radicals that attack cells.
  • Excellent laxative thanks to the fibers of its seeds.
  • Anti-cancer properties.
  • Helps the liver and gallbladder.
  • Regulates cholesterol.
  • Provides calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

Eggplant, a slimming ally?

As we just pointed out, eggplant contains an element called saponin which greatly reduces the absorption of fat. Nutritionists therefore recommend consuming eggplant juice.

Indeed, this juice helps to detoxify your body. This also improves kidney function by acting as a diuretic. On the other hand, thanks to the fibers contained in its seeds, eggplant will improve your bowel function, which will prevent constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

It is therefore recommended to drink a glass of eggplant juice per day, just before the main meal.  This prevents the absorption of fat and allows you to lose weight as part of a balanced diet.

Also, don’t forget to exercise for half an hour a day! In fact, eggplant juice is an excellent slimming ally. But if you don’t follow a healthy, active lifestyle, there is no way it will work.

The recipe for slimming eggplant juice

eggplant juice recipe: a slimming and health ally

First of all, you should know that eggplant cannot be eaten raw.  It must be cooked because it contains an alkaloid called solanine, which is toxic to the body. If we consume raw eggplant then we will suffer from stomach pain and headache. At the market, choose the toughest eggplants.


  • 1 fairly large eggplant
  • Half a liter of water
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Peel the eggplant and cut it into small pieces.
  • Pour the pieces into a large bowl filled with half a liter of cold water,
  • Then let the eggplant soak for two hours.
  • You can do this step the day before to have it ready the next day.
  • Then, boil the pieces in a saucepan filled with water for at least 15 minutes.
  • When the water boils, add the lemon juice.
  • Turn off the heat, then  let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • So that the pulp and water are well mixed and everything is homogeneous, pass the mixture in a blender to obtain a well-balanced juice.

You should drink this eggplant juice 15 minutes before the main meal and throughout the duration of your diet. It is important to add lemon juice to remove the slightly bitter taste of eggplant juice, which is not very pleasant in the mouth. Thanks to lemon, this drink becomes delicious!

Eggplant juice, a slimming ally, is also ideal for lowering your cholesterol level.

Last thing: remember that this drink is not miraculous either. While it helps you avoid fat absorption, you need to be active and eat well to effectively lose weight over time!

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