How Can You Help Your Children Fight School Fatigue?

School fatigue affects the development of children at school, as well as the smooth running of their school activities. This problem includes many factors. School fatigue generates a loss of motivation, reluctance, and prevents studying effectively.

School fatigue is a very common disorder in children. It is the exhaustion and fatigue experienced by students due to school activities and homework. School fatigue can be linked to different factors such as sleep, boredom, physical wear and tear or bullying, among others.

This anomaly is often responsible for the ineffectiveness of children at school. This prevents them from concentrating, paying attention or understanding a given topic. In addition, school fatigue can be linked to other phenomena such as depression or anxiety.

School fatigue is a problem that affects many families today. The daily rhythm and everyday life can be very demanding. If we add to this the pressure that schools sometimes put on children, the conditions for this disorder and other childhood disorders to arise are ideal.

Why is it important to fight against school fatigue?

mother helping her daughter prevent school fatigue

School fatigue can be a very serious problem. A tired child is a child who will not do satisfactorily in school. Frustration is another feeling that can affect your child’s academic performance.

Sometimes the reasons for school fatigue are not just school related. Family conflicts can also cause a child to feel little stimulated by learning and study. In many cases, when children enter class, they bring with them any issues they have with their parents back home.

What to do about school fatigue?

There are many steps you can take to combat school fatigue; all with the clear aim of helping your child, contributing to his training and ensuring optimal learning. Ultimately, education is his ticket to success in life. This is not a shadow of a doubt.

Beyond that, as parents it is essential to always keep in mind that you cannot sidestep or ignore this issue. You need to educate yourself and take an interest in your child’s experiences at school. It may be a disorder that is difficult to identify at first. However, if you think your child is going through a period of school fatigue, we explain below how to help them fight this condition:

Give him the rest he needs

Rest is an important part of your child’s development and school stage. The hours of rest and sleep of your child will be decisive on his school performance. For example, not sleeping well is harmful to your child’s learning, concentration and performance in school.

Experts recommend that children of school age get at least 8 to 10 sleep a day. This is to give your child the opportunity to rest between the different activities they perform during the day. The rest is very important for every human being.

In fact, optimal rest will allow your child to perform well at school. And it is a vital palliative against school fatigue. Conversely, a tired child will not participate in any activity and may develop sleep disorders or insomnia.

Stimulate their learning in a healthy way

Enjoying effective learning is extremely important for your child. However, you need to stimulate him in a healthy way and not overload him with knowledge or homework. Also, don’t make him go through his teaching process as something traumatic. Make sure he learns things his age.

At the same time, make sure that the knowledge taught to him in school is going in the right direction. Your child shouldn’t feel frustrated or hurt if there is something they don’t understand at first.

Likewise, learning shouldn’t be a stressful process for your child. The teaching methods and pedagogy used by teachers must also be optimal. In turn, positive support will also be essential in their education.

Take care of their health and needs

how to fight against school fatigue?

Your child’s learning processes should be based on their good health and needs. For example, it is essential that you take into account very important aspects, such as its diet and hygiene. Make an appointment with the doctor whenever necessary. Make sure that school fatigue is not related to a health problem in your child.

If your child is unhealthy or has some medical condition, it is best to try to turn the situation around. It can also happen that the school rhythm makes the child sick. In this case, you will need to act quickly and keep in mind that his good health is his highest rating.

Encourage him to continue

Motivation and stimuli are very helpful in combating school fatigue that your child may be suffering from. The child must feel that you are supporting him and helping him throughout his schooling. Try to encourage him to learn as much as possible and to instill in him the relevance of knowledge and studies for his future.

Reward him when you feel he is doing really well at school. Or, better yet, when he completes a task given by the teacher. In short, try to make him feel that you are interested in him continuing his school preparation.

Communicate with teachers

Who better than the teacher to know how your child is going through school? Good communication with your child’s teachers will be essential to understanding their academic performance.

It is essential to know and find the solution to any problem your child is having in class. At the same time, we suggest that you optimize your communication  with your child as much as possible. Try to stay in touch with him, share and discuss his ideas about his feelings and concerns and, above all, his daily life at school.


School fatigue is a disorder that can cause problems for your child. Your child’s learning and teaching could be hindered. Therefore, you need to make sure that your child feels good in his school environment, that he has the necessary rest and that his health is good.

Likewise, it is essential to motivate your child to always move forward. It doesn’t matter if his grades aren’t the best: you can encourage him to improve every day. You can make him work in a healthy way and make his school experience a positive one. In short, you have to realize that he has abilities. And that it’s way better than everyone thinks.

Finally, you need to be involved in your child’s school life. Meet and interact with its teachers. Get closer to his comrades and friends. Also make sure that in this space your child is not the victim of other issues, such as teasing or  bullying.

Another important recommendation is to try, as much as possible, to make your home harmonious and not to interfere with your child in any conflicts you may have with your partner, if any.

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