How To Treat An Injury To Avoid Scarring?

It is important that you know that the healing process varies from person to person. Injuries are also treated in a different way. Very often, one cannot prevent these marks from occurring.

Very few people are fortunate enough to have no marked scars on the skin of their body. It is therefore important to know how to treat an injury to avoid scarring.

Very often, we do not do the correct care that our injury needs. Or we do too little. The healing process then becomes longer and more difficult. The skin keeps marks which are visible and above all, unsightly. Scars sometimes ruin our lives!

This is because scars are the result of a normal healing process of the skin. It will all depend on the type of skin, the extent and depth of the injury.

But on the other hand, we can do something to make the scars as aesthetic as possible, and therefore much less visible. If the injury you have is serious, you should definitely go to the hospital. Immediate actions are of vital importance to prevent infections in the wound!

If the wounds become infected, then the result can be much worse! This is why you must take into account the advice that we are going to give you in this article . They will allow you to treat an injury  effectively while preventing the formation of abnormal scars.

treat a wound without a scar

Our advice to avoid scars

After applying pressure to the wound with a clean cloth, it should stop bleeding. This is where you can start cleaning, with clean hands of course. Use a disinfectant found in pharmacies and specific for this use.

Or if not, you can also take water and mild soap. However, never use alcohol on an injury!

Dry the wound with a compress, dabbing lightly.  Avoid cotton wool, otherwise lumps will stick in the wound, which will inevitably prevent healing.

While the healing process is in progress, the skin should not be exposed to the sun. You can cover the wound with a bandage, not very tight but not too loose either. The aim is to protect the wound from possible infections.

Remember to change the bandage every day. And it will also have to be done if it is wet.

It is also interesting to perform  gentle massages around the wound. They should be done in a circular fashion. Because it allows to increase the circulation in this area. The beneficial substances then arrive much better and can speed up the healing process!

When scabs form, do not remove them. This can result in a more visible scar. You have to let them down on their own.

Rosehip oil is very helpful for wound healing processes. You can apply it to the wound site every day. On the other hand, you have to be regular if you want to see results.

The bunion is very useful in healing an injury. In fact, this prevents the formation of scars.

the onion to heal a wound to avoid scarring?

These recommendations are very useful in minor situations. But when the wounds are deep and of great magnitude. When the blood doesn’t stop flowing after several minutes, don’t waste time! Head to the hospital.

A small wound may not leave a scar, but it really depends on each skin type. There are some people for whom the healing process is really difficult. And even if the injury is slight.

In addition to preventing the formation of visible scars, the treatments mentioned above will help us to avoid possible infections. Because if the wound becomes infected, the treatment will be much longer, and the marks even more visible!

When in doubt, always consult a professional. There are several solutions that can reduce marks on the skin. If you already have old scars, you can also find solutions to make them almost disappear, and they will be less annoying.

Surgery is also used in some cases. It allows to obtain a new scar with better care.

In addition to all of these tips, you can also find several healing creams. You will see, this will help you greatly!

Diet also plays an important role in healing an injury and ensuring proper healing. If it is not good enough or not complete enough, you will not have all the nutrients needed for the healing process!

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