4 Reasons To Eat More Artichoke

The bitter taste of artichoke tells us that it is excellent for the liver. In addition to being a diuretic and helping us lose weight, it allows us to eliminate toxins.

Besides being a gastronomic delight, artichoke is currently one of the most beneficial foods that we can consume.

Its slightly bitter and fibrous taste tells us that it is a very healthy type of vegetable for our liver.

It is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, nutrients capable of restoring our inner balance, which will be seen on the outside with a more adjusted weight and optimal well-being.

Today in this article, we invite you and your whole family to eat more artichoke!

1. Why consume more artichoke? – Liver

The leaf of the artichoke contains nutrients like magnesium or potassium.

Its bitter taste is explained by a substance called cynarin, which acts as an excellent natural support for the liver:

  • Stimulates bile secretions.
  • Helps us digest fat.
  • Prevents jaundice.
  • Reduces inflammation of the liver. 
  • Helps regenerate liver cells, which purify heavy metals and other toxic substances that impair the proper functioning of the liver.
  • Regular consumption of artichoke helps us treat fatty liver and lower high cholesterol levels.

2. Why consume more artichoke? – Weight loss

The artichoke is one of the essential foods. Thus, consuming more artichoke amounts to following an adapted diet while effectively purifying fats to lose weight.

  • It is not a question of consuming artichokes exclusively throughout the day, but of using them as a supplement.
  • Its plant fibers will also help us reduce the feeling of hunger because we will feel more full.
  • Artichoke is also a very powerful diuretic, which helps us reduce the incidence of water retention and the build-up of toxins.
  • In addition, the cynarin present in the artichoke helps stimulate the production of bile, which is very important for promoting the synthesis and digestion of fats.

3. It helps us treat diabetes

The artichoke will allow us to balance the levels of sugar in the blood , thus avoiding the crises so dangerous for diabetics.

It is a vegetable very rich in nutrients, which gives us energy and a vitamin supply, without our needing to resort to foods rich in fats or sugars to obtain this vitality.

Yet another reason to consume more artichoke!

4. Artichoke helps us purify toxins

This data is, without a doubt, the most appreciated by the majority of people accustomed to consuming artichokes on a regular basis.

Artichoke is purifying and also stimulates digestion and absorption of nutrients, while being able to eliminate toxins and excess fats in order to break them down and eliminate them via urine.

Finally, it takes care of our kidney and liver health, and it is one of the favorite foods of vegetarians!

A purifying salad to consume more artichoke


  • 4 artichoke hearts
  • ¼ red onion
  • A ripe tomato
  • Cream cheese low in fat.
  • 100 g of arugula
  • A little oregano
  • ½ lemon
  • A little extra virgin olive oil


  • The first thing to do is to prepare the artichoke hearts and boil them until they are very soft.
  • Then cut the red onion into very fine pieces.
  • Also wash the tomato, and cut the cream cheese into small pieces.
  • All your ingredients are ready. Now you just have to prepare the plate. Put the arugula as a base, then the artichoke hearts and the onion strips on top.
  • Then add the cream cheese and sprinkle a little oregano for a very original touch!
  • Then season the salad with the juice of half a lemon and also add a little olive oil to taste.

It is a very easy dish to prepare, which is ideal for lunch or dinner.

In addition, this purifying salad is low in fat and thanks to the enzymes in red onion, we will improve digestion and strengthen our immune system. Now you know how to eat more artichoke!

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