5 Essential Oils To Eliminate Onychomycosis

To avoid onychomycosis, we need to be very careful in high-traffic areas where we may have direct contact with bacteria and other contagious organisms.

Onychomycosis is the most common case of nail fungus, which occurs more frequently on the feet than on the hands. In general, we pay less attention to cleaning the first, as the feet are usually covered.

In this article, we are going to teach you a bit more about this condition, its causes and symptoms. We   will also provide you with natural alternatives to cure it. 

Symptoms of onychomycosis

Although it is usual to treat onychomycosis as an aesthetic alteration of the nails,  in very advanced cases it can cause chronic pain that is difficult to resolve.  Early diagnosis is ideal for eradicating the fungus.

Although a fungal infection is not primarily characterized by the production of pain, it is only present in a very critical case, and therefore it is more common to notice signs on the nails such as:

  • Thickening
  • The color change for darker or yellow tones
  • The bad smell
  • Peeling nails
  • The fragility of the nails

These signs appear more often in the folds of the nails, in the part where they meet with the skin. Mainly, we notice a white spot which over time begins to acquire a larger size.


The cause of onychomycosis is a fungus known as  Candida albicans . It is spread by direct contact. We can therefore contract it by:

  • Walking barefoot in public places
  • Going to a nail salon where the tools are contaminated and unchanged
  • Wearing shoes that make you sweat excessively,  which makes it easier for bacteria to breed
  • Not drying your feet well and having long nails in which water is stored
  • Lacking in defenses and stressful

Onychomycosis on the feet.

Another important fact is that when our immune system is weakened, the proliferation of this condition is greater. So that it will grow significantly and it will be more difficult to treat.

We should also keep in mind that when we present some type of illness and  do not treat it on time, it can lead to more serious problems.

Thus, the ideal is to pay attention when the first signs appear.

Essential oils for the treatment of onychomycosis

1. Tea tree essential oil

Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, tea tree essential oil is a solution against the fungi that form on the fingernails and toenails.

Its effects are compared to those of many products for combating fungi on the market.

It  improves the appearance of infected nails within days.

What should you do ?

  • Put 2 or 3 drops of the oil on the affected nail, and rub until it is well absorbed.
  • It is recommended to repeat its use 2 times a day, until the infection is cured.

2. Oregano essential oil

The extracts concentrated in oregano essential oil  have incredible antifungal properties that prevent onychomycosis.  Its application gives the nails their healthy and new appearance.

What should you do ?

  • Apply 3 drops of oregano oil to the affected nail.
  • Massage and distribute well so that the nail absorbs everything, then let dry.
  • Use this remedy twice a day until you notice improvement.

3. Thyme essential oil

Thyme to treat onychomycosis.

Thyme stands out for its thymol content, as it  has  powerful  antimicrobial and antifungal properties  that are effective against nail fungus.

What should you do ?

  • Apply 3 drops of thyme oil on the affected area.
  • Spread well on the nail so that it absorbs well and let it dry.
  • Use this remedy two to three times a day, until you notice improvement.

4. Cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil is very effective in killing nail fungus. It is rich in eugenol, a very potent antifungal chemical compound. It  keeps the nail area dry, which also prevents the fungus from reproducing.

What should you do ?

  • Apply 3 or 4 drops of cinnamon oil to the affected nail.
  • Distribute well to absorb and then let dry.
  • Repeat the application two to three times a day. It will be very useful if you are sweating excessively.

5. Clove essential oil

Like cinnamon essential oil, clove and its essential oil have a high level of eugenol. This essential oil also has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties which are also useful against athlete’s foot.

What should you do ?

  • Apply 3 drops of clove oil to the affected nail.
  • Then spread over the surface so that it is absorbed and let dry.
  • Repeat this two to three times a day, until you notice improvement.

Remember that there are several ways to prevent the onset of this condition. You should maintain good hygiene and avoid contact with areas walked by barefoot people, and even more so if they are wet areas. Try these essential oils, they will be of great help to you.

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