Beauty Treatments With Apple Cider Vinegar

To relieve muscle pain, do not hesitate to add a cup of vinegar to your bath water, and relax there for about twenty minutes .

It’s quite curious that sometimes some simple resources one has on hand are just as effective as overpriced beauty treatments. Apple cider vinegar, for example, is presented as a product that is as economical as it is effective!

We can use it in many aspects of our daily life, and of course, for our personal beauty: for hair, skin, nails… Would you like to know more?

Apple cider vinegar brings us a much thinner skin, and it also relieves dryness and itching, not to mention that it heals our acne problems … So here are great remedies with a simple and accessible product, the only drawback of which is maybe its smell, a little unpleasant.

But it’s worth a try! In the end, many cosmetic products are made from natural products, and apple cider vinegar is surely the most traditional product! Moreover, it was already used by our ancestors. It is therefore time to learn a little more about the subject!

Beauty tips with apple cider vinegar

Remedies to restore the health of your hair


  • Apple cider vinegar has a high amount of vitamins, and it has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. All this makes it really suitable for treating our hair when it is found to be dry and without shine. Or when the colorings have made them lose their naturalness. When using the hairdryer, for example, the hair becomes so dry that it feels like it has no more life. Apple cider vinegar helps them regain their health!
  • Remedy: it’s very simple. You only have to put a small teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, then you can apply it on the hair by doing a light massage for five minutes. All you have to do is rinse with cool water. If you do this simple trick every two weeks, you will quickly see the difference!

Remedy for dandruff

  • Apple cider vinegar has many antifungal properties. What does that mean ? It allows us to treat aspects related to the health of our scalp, such as dandruff and scalp scalp.
  • Remedy: All you have to do is get a container with an aerosol. A small bottle that will allow you to more easily distribute the liquid that we are going to prepare. You need to mix 200 ml of water with the same amount of vinegar, and then shake well. Once you’ve washed your hair and it’s still damp, start spreading as much of the mixture as you like over your head. We must try to make it penetrate our scalp well. Then you just have to rinse.

Facial treatments

  • It sounds amazing, but apple cider vinegar is one of the best facial cleansers!  It has properties that help us regain the pH balance of the skin by cleaning it deeply. It’s a natural astringent and, what’s even better, it gives us shine and a really young and healthy look.
  • Remedy: Take 100 ml of water and the same amount of vinegar. Mix well and then leave everything in a container in the refrigerator, so that it always stays cool. Dampen a cotton ball with this tonic and start cleaning your face with it. It is important to apply this solution after washing your face with soap. Once you have treated your skin with this apple cider vinegar remedy, all you have to do is apply your usual moisturizer. Your skin will then be healthy, well-groomed and really beautiful.

Remedies For Spots On The Skin

skin spots

  • It is a very old remedy that will help us reduce the spots on the skin. These may not go away completely, but you will still be able to reduce them, especially those that appear suddenly due to the sun or age.
  • Remedy:  You will need apple cider vinegar and onions. These two astringent ingredients are perfect in this case. For this you need to get the juice of one onion; you can use a blender to get all the juice you can. Then mix this juice with half a glass of apple cider vinegar. Mix well and, using a cotton ball, apply this tonic where you have the stains. Leave it on for twenty minutes and then wash your face well. During the treatment it is important not to stay in the sun. If you do it every day for 15 days, you will see that the spots will be lighter and more attenuated!

Home remedies for itching and muscle pain

  • Sometimes, because of allergies, or because of the nerves, one feels an unbearable tingling sensation all over the body. It can also happen when we feel very tense or with generalized muscle pain that prevents us from resting. Apple cider vinegar can act as a physical and muscle relaxant – it’s a simple remedy that you absolutely must try!
  • Remedy: Fill your tub with lukewarm water and add 240 ml of apple cider vinegar to it. Then you just have to immerse yourself in it for about twenty minutes. The sedative effect is immediate. It is a superb remedy that will relieve all your ailments in a natural way!

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