Homemade Tuna And Cheese Croquette Recipe

The Tuna and Cheese Croquette recipe offers a perfect combination of two flavors that go together perfectly. Tuna and cheese complement each other very well in this recipe and at the same time retain their unique tastes.

No one can resist kibble! It’s a delicious starter that has a crunchy layer and a chewy content. There are countless recipes for making different types of croquettes.

Today we offer you a recipe for tuna and cheese croquettes that can even serve as a main course. The two ingredients combine very well together, while keeping their flavors and without creating too many contrasts.

There are of course croquettes prepared in an industrial way which are sold frozen. However, it is best to prepare them yourself or with your family at home. In addition, you will have the satisfaction of producing your own dishes. Plus, the kibble in this recipe doesn’t contain any preservatives or chemicals.

Both tuna and soft cheese have a mild flavor which, together with the crunchiness of the outer layer, is irresistible. Preparing and making croquettes is quite an art and the perfection of this dish depends in large part on the frying process. Before starting to explain this recipe to you, it will be very useful for you to know some tips to obtain an excellent result, especially when frying the croquettes.

Recommendations for frying croquettes

Recommendations for frying croquettes

The first recommendation when frying croquettes is the temperature of the oil. The oil that you will use for the frying must be very hot to give a crispy layer to the croquettes.

If the oil is not hot enough, it will take longer to cook and the croquettes could split open and be damaged. However, the oil should not heat too much either, the ideal temperature is between 175 and 180 ° C.

The second variable must also take into account  the type of oil you are going to use. For many fried foods, the recommended oil is that of sunflower or corn. Olive oil, on the other hand, tends to emit smoke very quickly when it heats up.

In addition, it will also be necessary to take care of  the amount of oil that you will use for the frying. You will need to completely cover the croquettes with the oil, otherwise they will split open before cooking. The control of the temperature, the quality and the quantity of oil is one of the main aspects to take into account for a successful production.

Finally, the last tip is to use the right technique to fry the croquettes. To achieve this, it is advisable to fry the croquettes little by little. That is, you don’t have to fry them all at the same time, as this will suddenly lower the temperature of the oil and the croquettes may open during cooking.

Tuna and cheese croquettes recipe

tuna and cheese croquettes

In this recipe, we will make the dough with mashed potatoes, but this can also be replaced by a good classic béchamel sauce as long as you keep the main ingredients of the recipe. This recipe is designed for 10 people. Take note of all the ingredients and get started right away!


  • Two cups of tuna crumbs (400 g)
  • 200 grams of mole cheese
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • ½ onion
  • 2 cups of bread or breadcrumbs (300 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of corn flour (45 g)
  • 1 cup of wheat flour (150 g)
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley (30 g)
  • Salt and pepper to your liking
  • Corn or sunflower oil


  • Cook the potatoes in water, without peeling them, until they are tender.
  • Peel and mash the potatoes completely in a bowl to mash them.
  • Cut the onion very finely and sauté in a little oil.
  • Add the grated tuna, onion, one egg, cornmeal and parsley to the mashed potatoes. Stir well to combine all the ingredients.
  • Salt and pepper the previous mixture and add the cheese cut into small squares, stirring without over-mixing completely.
  • Beat the two remaining eggs in a separate dish.
  • Form small balls or elongated shapes with your hands using the potato mixture. You can also put the mixture in a plastic bag from which you have cut a tip to use as a handle. In this way, you will obtain a cylinder-shaped dough of a single thickness which you can cut with a wet knife.
  • Make the shapes of the croquettes you want and let them cool in the refrigerator for half an hour, covered with plastic wrap.

Last step

  • Once the time has elapsed, roll the croquettes first in the flour, then in the beaten eggs and finally in the breadcrumbs. Do this until you finish all the mixing. At this point, you can choose to freeze the croquettes to fry them when needed.
  • Once the croquettes are frozen, you can place them in a bag to prevent them from warping during freezing. When frying, it is recommended to wait about an hour after removing them from the freezer.
  • Heat the oil in a deep saucepan to a temperature of around 180 ° C.
  • Fry the croquettes until they are perfectly golden. Continue to fry the other croquettes until you have finished cooking all the croquettes.
  • Finally, place them on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  • Serve the tuna and cheese croquettes and eat them, preferably hot.

Last tips

These tuna and cheese croquettes can be accompanied by different types of sauces according to your tastes and desires. They combine very well with those based on citrus, aioli, avocado or tomato. A fresh salad, for example, is a good option as a garnish if you choose the croquettes as the main course.

Fries, baked, boiled, peeled or not, endless varieties. What’s the healthiest way to eat potatoes while enjoying their flavor? Due to their high carbohydrate intake, it is advisable to eat potatoes at midday and avoid them in the evening, as they can make digestion difficult and promote weight gain. In this article, we are going to share with you some simple and original ideas to take advantage of all the properties of the potato.

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