Can Psoriasis Be Treated?

The psoriasis is a skin disease that affects many people, and as many men as women.

Doctors say she has no definitive cures. However, there are many ways to control it in a natural way.

Find out in this article how diet and some home remedies can influence the treatment of this condition.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes flaking and inflammation of the skin.  The latter blushes and suffers from numerous scales in specific areas of the body.

People who suffer from psoriasis have skin cell renewal much earlier. This especially in the elbows, knees, scalp, face or soles of the feet. However, this disease can affect any part of the body.

Psoriasis is quite common, in both men and women. It usually occurs between the ages of 15 and 35.

This disease is linked to a disorder of the immune system. Certain factors such as stress, climate or diet, also influence the state of progression of the pathology.

We will therefore speak below of the various factors at the origin of this pathology. We will also see the remedies that can improve or even cure psoriasis in a natural way.

A personalized diet

Each body works in a different way. Also, not all foods have the same effect on everyone.

If we have psoriasis, it is possible that we have a food intolerance that we are not aware of.

The most frequent intolerances are those to gluten and lactose. However, we recommend that you pay attention to changes in your body as you eliminate or add certain foods to your diet.psoriasis

Cleanse the skin from the inside out

Since this disease directly affects the skin cells,  the natural treatment is to cleanse all the organs that can facilitate the purification of the body.

If we activate the liver, kidneys and intestines, the skin will be less overloaded and will be able to function in a much more balanced way.

For this, we suggest that you include purifying juices and smoothies in your daily diet.psoriasis

Clay baths

Clay is one of the oldest and most effective remedies for the skin, both for health and beauty issues.

You can apply clay poultices locally, to affected areas and even during times of rash.

In order not to over-dry the skin, instead of mixing the clay with water, it should be mixed with yogurt, in order to allow better hydration of the area. 

To prepare the poultice, we recommend that you do not use utensils or plastic or metal containers, but rather wooden or glass containers.

Then apply the clay for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse it with clean water.

You can do this clay bath once a week, or once every two days at times of crisis.

Liquorice baths and infusions

Licorice is also famous for being a good natural cortisone.

This is due to its licorice components which block the decay of cortisone from the body and prolong its effect.

In addition to extending the life of cortisone in our body, licorice contains the formation of inflammatory compounds, which makes it an excellent remedy for all types of inflammation, especially psoriasis.

To benefit from its properties, you can prepare baths with licorice infusions or consume them regularly.

You should take into account that licorice slightly increases blood pressure, which is why, if you have high blood pressure, it should not be consumed without consulting your doctor first.psoriasis

Carrot plasters

Another remedy to calm psoriasis attacks is to prepare plasters with grated carrot, which can be applied directly to the skin for 20 minutes.

Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, which makes it an essential food for the skin.

You can for example alternate these poultices with those with clay.

The sun and the sea

Many people who suffer from psoriasis have noticed that in the summer, and even more so if they go to the beach, their skin health improves dramatically.

For this reason, it is important to try to maintain these habits throughout the year, with brief exposures to the sun every day, outside of peak radiation hours.

If you don’t have the opportunity to go to the sea, you can buy or get some sea water, and apply it directly to the skin with a spray.

Images of asimulator, chotda and puppy’s run.

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