Starting Over From Scratch Regardless Of Your Age

It is not easy to leave everything behind and start from scratch. It is a difficult path but the reward, when you are not happy and need a change, is well worth it.

Starting from scratch is not easy. It’s like jumping into the void and holding your breath while leaving behind things and people you need to say goodbye to.

You may have had to start over from scratch more than once. Maybe this “reboot” was for business reasons. Perhaps again it had as its origin an emotional, personal or family problem.

Thinking “it’s too late”, however, can be a barrier to change. When it comes to building new life paths in search of happiness, it is possible to doubt. Is the hour of my opportunities already behind me? At my age, isn’t it more reasonable to accept the situation and be silent?

However, it is never too late to come out of suffering, and indeed it is an obligation.

We suggest that you take into account this series of tips so that you can start from scratch, whatever your problem.

How to start from scratch regardless of your age?

Think about your future and ask yourself how you would like to see yourself

If you have any doubts, if you are afraid, do the following visualization exercise. Imagine yourself in 2 years, but imagine yourself happy, satisfied and peaceful.

Now take the measure of how you are feeling at these specific times. In life, the pursuit of perfect happiness at any cost is often a lure.  It is really about finding inner peace, balance and satisfaction.

If you do not have these dimensions in your life today, it is necessary to foster change. You deserve a new opportunity.

Start with small, short-term goals

Any change requires, in the first place, to take small decisions which little by little will lead us to the final stage. Here are some examples of small goals we should set for ourselves:

  • Today I will control my anxiety and my fear. Since I am aware that I will start all over again, I accept and accept my decision. I will change my fear into inner tranquility and determination.
  • Today I will be looking for information on how I would like to start from scratch (job offers, help from social services or other official bodies …)

You are not as alone as you might think: find the most suitable support

Undoubtedly, starting a new stage arouses fear and anguish. But, to find strength, we must feel that someone supports us and understands us on this new path.

  • Be smart when looking for support. There will inevitably be relatives or friends who will not advise you well and even who will advise you to “not do it” or “to wait a little longer”.
  • If you’ve made the decision to start all over again, look for the proximity of people who have been through the same phase as you. They will undoubtedly offer you the best advice and support.

Your future is not written and tomorrow may be filled with new opportunities

The past serves us to learn, to grow and to acquire more wisdom, discernment and maturity. You are wise when you have more experiences and learn more life lessons from them. It is added value, a weapon of power.

  • Remember that when you get past the change, everything is incredibly new, but what is new is not bad. It is scary but gives us the opportunity to achieve what we are looking for and what we want.
  • What you want above all is to feel good about yourself, to free yourself from your anxieties or tears. Failure should not determine you but stimulate you to move forward and find your personal fulfillment.

Start over from scratch: demolish your limiting attitudes or thoughts

  • “I am too old, I will never find a job”. Think about your skills and be imaginative when “selling yourself”. More than looking, make sure that we look for you because you have qualities and bring innovative ideas. Use your creativity!
  • “I have never been alone, everything is going to be bad”. Let go of that limiting thought and understand that loneliness is a reflection of freedom. It is in this freedom that you will find yourself again to build your own happiness.
  • “I will not succeed, everything will go wrong”. Banish this idea, you are not a prophet, you cannot guess what will or will not happen. Also know that thoughts generate emotions, and a negative thought generates a fatalistic attitude.
  • “No one will support me and none of this will be worth it”. Do not feed these kinds of ideas. The most important support you can count on is your own. Later, the good friends, the most understanding family and the people who know you will offer you their grain of sand so that you can build this new life.

Gradually, you will realize that everything was worth it. Starting over from scratch is hard and complex, but keep your goal in mind. You deserve to be happy and to forget the days of darkness and discomfort.

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