Foods That Fight Inflammation And Fat In The Belly

Following a balanced diet, regulating your emotions well and playing sports are essential to improve your quality of life and to feel good physically.

Inflammation and belly fat are closely related.

According to information published recently at the Mayo Clinic, it is usual, that over the years, there comes a time when our metabolism becomes slower and slower.

This translates into the fact that we no longer burn calories in the same way as when we were younger.

To this must also be added the hormonal changes that promote this classic inflammation.

However, be aware that it is possible to avoid it. Indeed, when we feel that our metabolism is changing and that we tend to accumulate this troublesome fat in the belly, it is the time to change our habits and to include essential foods in our diet.

Are you ready to put this into practice?

How to fight inflammation and fat in the belly?

Doctors and nutritionists always agree on different aspects that must be taken into account:

  • Our body and our metabolism change over time. It is common, for example, for a food that had no effect on us until now, suddenly starts causing us problems.
    This shows that it is very important to be very attentive to what makes us feel good or vice versa. Observe your body and the foods that tend to inflame you, such as water retention.
    Not all bodies are the same, and the techniques that work for some do not work for others.
  • There are foods that will promote inflammation and belly fat that we should stop today, such as salt, sugar and lactose.
    No need to tell you that it is also essential to control your intake of fat ingested on a daily basis, and that you should always opt for fresh foods rather than frozen or processed foods.
  • You should also be aware that hormonal changes also tend to inflame us and promote water retention. It is therefore essential to take care of your body and avoid having bad habits such as smoking, a sedentary life or even situations that put you in states of anxiety or stress.

Managing your emotions, playing a little sport and improving your eating habits are three key elements in having a better quality of life and feeling better physically.

It is not that difficult and it is worth it!

Foods that fight inflammation and belly fat

1. The most effective spices

Spices are a simple and economical resource that we recommend that you add to your dishes. They will indeed allow you to fight inflammation and belly fat.

In addition to serving as an accompaniment in our dishes (risottos, salads etc.), they are also very effective if we include them in our infusions.

Take note of the best of them:

  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Ginger

A very practical idea is to start the morning with a medicinal infusion made from green tea, cayenne pepper and ginger.

It will help us kick-start our metabolism and burn fat, not to mention that it is an antioxidant drink rich in vitamins.

If you accompany it with a little honey, it will only be better!

2. The best fruits

There are a number of fruits that can help us heal inflammation, purify the body and, moreover, avoid storing extra pounds around the waistline.

As you know, fruits always give us multiple possibilities. We can consume them in their natural form, with a delicious juice or put them in our mixed salads.

These are the following fruits: 

  • Papaya
  • Green apple
  • Pineapple
  • The strawberries
  • The lemon
  • Grapefruit or pomelo

A salad made with spinach, pineapple and nuts is perfect for lunch!

In the middle of the afternoon, it is ideal, for example, to prepare a rich juice made from strawberries and lemon juice.

It’s great for detoxifying, regulating blood glucose, and burning fat.

3. Vegetables that can help you

There are also many vegetables that help us fight inflammation in the stomach.

Nutritionists always recommend that we consume them raw because this way we get a type of enzyme that improves our digestion and helps us activate the metabolism.

Of course, we cannot eat all the vegetables raw, but another option is to steam them.

We tell you which ones are they:

  • Broccoli
  • The carrot
  • The eggplants
  • Artichokes
  • Spinach
  • The onions
  • Asparagus
  • The leek
  • Beet
  • Squash

4. The importance of “healthy fats”

There are healthy fats that are essential for our body and our health. They take care of our heart, regulate bad cholesterol and fight against inflammation.

So, don’t be afraid to include the following balanced foods in your diet:

  • Avocado
  • Flax seeds
  • The salmon
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts and almonds

5. The best infusion for a flat stomach

The best tea that you can consume every day to prevent inflammation and fat around the waistline is sage syrup with a little lemon juice.

You can find sage in any herbalist’s shop, and to benefit from the virtues of this infusion, you only need to add 20 grams of this plant to a glass of hot water.

When it’s time to drink it, add a few drops of lemon juice and a little honey. This is delicious !

You should also take it half an hour before lunch. Try it out today!

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