5 Benefits Of Eating 5 Meals A Day

Read on and discover the benefits of eating 5 meals a day.

How many meals do you take per day ? Do you often skip meals with the idea that it will help you lose weight? In fact, eating little doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll stay healthy and in enviable shape. In the rest of this article, we will tell you about the benefits of eating 5 meals a day.

You will find that this is a much simpler strategy to apply than dealing with constant hunger. It will also be easier for you to get nutrients on a regular basis. But you will have to put in an extra effort to prepare your food.

5 benefits of preparing 5 meals a day

Here is a list of the 5 benefits of eating 5 meals a day.

1. Greater stability of blood sugar

Are you diabetic or pre-diabetic? In this case, know that the first advantage of eating 5 meals a day is that your blood sugar will be well controlled.

For a person with diabetes, eating 5 meals a day is preferable

It is important to remember that blood sugar levels depend on what you eat and the quality of the food. When you eat two or three times a day or skip meals, you have constant spikes in glucose. When you eat 3 or 4 hours apart, these spikes are best avoided. The reason is that you will have less food cravings and control the carbohydrate portions.

All you need to remember is to include a source of good quality carbohydrates. It could be oatmeal cookies, a small piece of whole wheat bread, or fruit. The best thing to do is to avoid juices because they only contain the fruit’s sugar, not the fiber.

2.5 meals a day: less excess food and cravings

Another benefit of having 5 meals a day is that you will have more control over your portions. When you limit yourself to eating two or three meals a day, you will be tempted to eat excessive portions at the first opportunity, due to hunger and restrictions.

On the other hand, if you eat several times, you will have more control. This is because you will be eating to feed yourself and not to satiate excessive hunger. Over time, you may find that you are never hungry.

In addition, if you are not at home and you have to go out to eat, you will tend to choose healthier products. This is because you will cover the hour of a meal, not because you will try to absolutely satisfy your hunger.

3. Better quality food: one of the advantages of preparing 5 meals a day

The third benefit of eating 5 meals a day is that you will have better control over what you eat. How many times have you eaten two or three times a day and taken the first thing you found? The problem is, you might be eating foods that don’t have real nutritional value. On the other hand, when you consider a 5 meal per day program, you avoid improvisation.

Ideally, you should organize your menus at least a day in advance. This will allow you to buy good quality natural products. It is also recommended that each meal include a small serving from each food group.

4.5 meals a day: less need to store fat

Another advantage of having 5 meals a day is that your body will have less need to reserve energy. Keep in mind that when you go several hours without eating, your body begins to store fat. This happens because your body is looking for reserve energy to perform all of its functions. This is called the “energy saver phenotype”. Its function is to prepare your body to perform all of its activities even if you are not feeding it properly.

When you eat several times a day, your body notices that you are constantly providing energy. As a result, your metabolism speeds up and you start metabolizing carbohydrates and fats constantly and without harming your health.

5. Better nutrition

The fifth benefit of having 5 meals a day is that it will be easier and more convenient for you to eat. When you leave several hours between meals, you will have a hard time choosing the right foods. By eating several times a day, you are more likely to add the 5 food groups you need. When in doubt, remember that they are:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats

The benefits of eating 5 meals a day: final comments

Ideally, a small portion of each group should be added to ensure they are of good quality. It is also recommended to include a variety of seasonal foods. This will allow you to add all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients your body needs.

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