How Do You Make Perfect Hard-boiled Eggs According To Science?

Eggs contain high quality protein which is essential for human health.

Hard-boiled eggs are a great food. On the one hand, they are a very good source of high quality protein  and, on the other hand, they contain the necessary fatty acids and a good amount of vitamin D.

For many years, their consumption was limited for fear of increasing serum cholesterol; however, today these restrictions have been lifted. Eating eggs does not increase plasma cholesterol levels,  as an article published in the journal Nutrients claims . In addition, it is a food that must be frequently included in a healthy diet.

There are different methods of preparing eggs and frying should be avoided as it is the worst. The most widely used method is cooking in water. Hard-boiled eggs can be added to many preparations  and are a fundamental pillar in the diet of many athletes.

However,  cooking an egg the perfect way is no easy task. Here we will detail the steps to follow to achieve an exquisite cooking.

Recommendations for making perfect hard-boiled eggs

Choice of egg

The first step before starting to cook the product is to choose the type of egg we want to cook. In the market we find eggs of various sizes classified by letters. Normally, and contrary to what one might think, those with the best organoleptic quality are the small ones.

This is because a small egg has a more concentrated flavor. Nonetheless,  it is common that larger eggs are more popular. This is perhaps related to the higher price of the large egg compared to the small one. The production of XL eggs is lower, so producers are forced to increase its value.

A basket with eggs.

Cooking temperature

One of the difficulties lies in the cooking of the two parts of which this food is composed. White and yellow are made up of different elements,  so the temperature needed to cook them may vary slightly.

The correct temperature for cooking an egg as a whole is 82 degrees. At this temperature,  we are sure that the protein in the egg white reaches an adequate cooking point,  while the yolk does not dry out too much.

It is essential to put the eggs in boiling water to prevent the hulling from being too difficult. The proper cooking time is 11 minutes and it is necessary to add salt to the water from the start.

However, it is worthwhile to stop the cooking process once the egg is ready. For this,  you have to prepare a container full of water with ice cubes  and directly introduce the eggs once they are out of the pan. After about 30 seconds, the eggs can be removed from the cold water and started to shell.

An ideal complement

Hard-boiled egg is a fundamental ingredient for a large number of culinary preparations. It is an essential element in many salads; it can be used as the main protein source or as an element to enhance the flavor of dishes.

Likewise, it can be eaten hot or cold, and it keeps well in the fridge. Even if many people throw away the yolk to consume only the white,  the egg as a whole provides a more than interesting amount of nutrients  to maintain good health.

Thus, the consumption of egg is recommended as one of the main protein sources. We are facing a protein that is practically perfect in terms of quality, according to a study published in 2018.  It contains all essential amino acids for humans, with high digestibility.

Eat eggs.

Perfectly cook eggs and improve your diet

Making hard-boiled eggs is a more complicated process than you might think. Obtaining a perfect cooking,  which ensures the maintenance of the organoleptic quality of the product and facilitates its posterior shelling  is not an easy task.

For this,  it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the water and its immediate immersion in cold water. It should be noted that the cooking time will always depend on the size of the egg; the larger ones will take about a minute longer to cook than the smaller ones.

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