The Incredible Benefits Of Alkaline Diet Against Cancer

Did you know that the development of cancer is closely related to the state of our internal ecosystem? If it is too acidic we favor it, therefore we must opt ​​for alkaline foods.

The number of cancer patients that we know is of concern to us. You certainly know more than one person who suffers from this disease. In this article we tell you about the relationship between alkaline diet and cancer prevention.

It seems that one of the biggest triggers for cancer is the diet we eat. It is no coincidence that it is the number one killer in the world.

What is an alkaline diet?

Before we start talking about the consequences on our health, it is good to know what is the “alkaline diet”.

This type of diet is mainly based on the consumption of foods that increase the pH of our blood and do not promote an acidic environment where viruses and carcinogenic cells can grow.

Following this type of diet is as easy as choosing alkalizing foods instead of acidifying foods and opting for healthier cooking. Raw or steamed food is better than deep frying.

What foods are alkaline?

If you want to prevent cancer (and other illnesses) and feel healthier, an alkaline diet is essential. Among the most important foods of this group we find:

Raw vegetables

Although some vegetables are acidic naturally, when eaten, the body converts them into alkalizing agents.

Eating them raw will allow you to benefit from all of their nutrients (as many of them get lost with high oven temperatures and boiling water).

Do not hesitate to add these vegetables to your daily diet:

  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage (broccoli, kale or kale, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage)
  • Eggplant
  • Garlic, chives, onion, celery
  • Cucumber, chilli
  • Carrots
  • Lettuce, chicory, watercress
  • Beet

The fruits

benefits of fruits in the alkaline diet

They have a great alkalizing power even those with a low pH such as citrus fruits.

We can eat fruits like desserts, for breakfast or during the day.

They provide us with a lot of vitamins and are used to ward off cancer! The most recommended are:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Lawyers
  • Bananas
  • Berries, blackberries, cherries
  • Melon, watermelon
  • Coco

The dried fruit

They provide you with beneficial fatty acids and, in addition, have the ability to increase the pH in your body.

There are many myths that revolve around dried fruits because of their caloric intake. However, they are highly recommended for fighting heart disease or even losing weight because they are satiating.

Add almonds and chestnuts to your diet to make it more alkaline.


It is the only whole grain that is considered 100% alkalizing. It doesn’t mean that others are bad for your health, but if you have to choose, go for millet.

In this case you will have to eat it hydrated with water and subsequently cooked. Try it in a sandwich as a garnish!


The work product of bees is highly alkaline, besides being an excellent natural antibiotic that cannot be missing in your diet or in your medicine cabinet.

Use it to sweeten your infusions or desserts or to eat it on its own if you have the flu or a cold.


benefits of chlorophyll in the alkaline diet

The green juice that plants give us is very rich in enzymes and nutrients that are worth enjoying.

The sap of aloe vera is one of the most famous and consumed, but not the only one. You can, for example, mix it and mix it with water to benefit from its properties in the morning.

Alkaline diet and cancer

We’ve told you which foods are the most alkaline, but you don’t yet know their relationship to cancer.

As a first step, you need to understand that the cells in our body need glucose and oxygen (among nutrients) to survive and perform their functions.

When the body does not have what the cells need, they weaken and it is then that diseases appear.

In addition, when the ecosystem is too acidic the immune system weakens  and loses the ability to protect us from external or internal attacks.

Carcinogenic cells can live from a pH of 7.4. However, when this rate reaches 8.4 (alkalinity) they automatically die.

On the contrary, if the environment is very acidic we could say that they are “very comfortable” and reproduce more quickly.

A diet based on alkaline foods increases the pH of the body and, therefore, decreases the possibility for harmful cells to survive and develop.

By strengthening the immune system, beneficial cells have the oxygen they need to expel toxins and wastes.

When tissues and organs are acidic, it is because they have too much oxygen… Ideal for cancer!

On the other hand, if they are alkaline the good cells can develop and the immune system is strengthened being free of toxins.

Eating an alkaline diet is synonymous with a healthy diet which, as you probably already know, has other additional benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, fighting obesity or avoiding heart problems.

What foods should you avoid to make your body more alkaline?

  • Dairy products (butter, milk, cheese)
  • Meats (red, pork, veal, viscera, chicken)
  • Dried fruits (cashews, peanuts, pistachios)
  • Refined flour (biscuits and pastries)
  • Sauces and seasonings (tomato, soy, mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar)

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