Tanorexia Or Obsession With Tanning

Tanorexia is a psychological disorder which can lead to serious health problems, including skin cancer. It is defined as an addiction to tanning, which leads to the development of risky behavior.

Tanorexia is a compulsive desire to be or stay tanned. For a long time, it was considered just eccentric behavior, but it was not labeled as an addiction or a disorder. However, a study conducted in 2005 by a group of dermatologists changed the perception of tanorexia.

Today, the  tanning dependence is treated as a dependency  because it meets all the criteria for it. The 2005 study found that people who engage in this type of behavior exhibit behavior patterns similar to other forms of addiction, such as alcoholism.

Subsequent studies continued in the same direction, specifying the possible causes of tanorexia, which we will discuss in this article. So, this compulsive urge to sunbathe and tan is not, as once thought, a fashion trend or a purely aesthetic obsession, but it goes much further.

What is tanorexia?

Tanorexia is defined as an addiction to tanning. Those who suffer from it experience an obsessive urge to have darker skin tone. To achieve this, they sunbathe in the open air or expose themselves to tanning lamps. But, they are never satisfied with the complexion they get.

On the other hand, experts do not fully agree whether it is an independent psychiatric disorder, or whether it constitutes a form of bodily dysmorphic disorder (CDD). There are those who say that it should be classified as a symptom, because some aspects are not yet sufficiently demonstrated scientifically.

Individuals who suffer from this obsession are unaware of the consequences that can derive from continued exposure to the sun or the rays of UV lamps. They suffer from an obsessive urge to tan their skin and the possible risks to their health do not persuade them to moderate their driving.

A woman at the beach with sunscreen on her back

Symptoms and causes

According to studies by Feldman and colleagues, in 2004,  repeated sunbathing or UV rays increased levels of relaxation. This is because exposure to UV rays causes the release of endorphins and opioids in the body.

Endorphins are chemicals in the brain that relieve pain and cause a feeling of euphoria. They are secreted naturally from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. However, this only happens when there is emotional or physical stress. It also includes situations of pain or intense exertion, arousal and orgasm.

It is precisely this feeling of well-being that gives rise to addiction. A tanorexic person experiences withdrawal syndrome when they are deprived of their UV rays. The difference between a sun-loving person and a tanorexic individual is that the latter exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Compulsive desire to tan  and constant frustration at not achieving a sufficiently dark skin tone
  • Belief that the skin tone is lighter  than it really is
  • Anxiety about the possibility of losing the resulting tan
  • Premature aging of the skin
  • Sunburns that are hidden with makeup
  • Anxious behavior

A woman suffering from tanorexia

The effects of tanorexia

Reasonable exposure to the sun has positive effects  on depressive states. It also improves visual photoperception as well as vitamin D metabolism. On the other hand, when exposure is excessive, several health problems appear.

First of all, there is an effect on the skin which accelerates skin aging and promotes dryness. Burns and various forms of skin cancer can also occur. Excess sunlight causes eye damage, immune system alterations, DNA damage, and free radical formation, among others.

From a psychological point of view, dependence generates a greater feeling of insecurity as well as a lack of autonomy. It also exacerbates anxiety, decreases tolerance for frustration, and often influences social relationships negatively.

What to do ?

More often than not, people with tanorexia will not accept that they have a problem. They usually see the doctor for burns on their skin. Or for other health complications resulting from their excess. But they categorically refuse to admit that this is the cause.

This disorder is very similar to that of anorexia. Whereas in the case of anorexia the person looks at themselves in the mirror and sees themselves as fat with their skin on their bones, the tanorexic person sees themselves white even though they are completely tanned with sunburn on them. the skin.

The approach should be to  see a mental health professional  to work on the root causes of this behavior. In general, there are concerns about self-acceptance that can be addressed with proper follow-up and support.

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