7 Health Benefits Of Green Bananas

Green bananas are used in many places in Latin America and can be prepared in different ways. Boiled, stewed or fried, they serve as an accompaniment in many dishes.

Thanks to their high potassium content, green bananas can bring great benefits to our heart health, but we should avoid them if we have liver or kidney problems.

Nutritionally, green bananas are an excellent source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and beta-carotene, in addition to other vitamins like B6 and minerals like iron.

In addition to bringing a lot of energy to your body, they have many benefits for your health like the ones we give you below.

Health Benefits of Green Bananas

1. Improve and regulate your heart rate

benefits of green bananas: improve and regulate your heart rate

Thanks to their high potassium content, eating green bananas helps your heart to have a normal heartbeat.

This is because potassium helps your body regulate blood pressure. This protects your heart from the possible damage that arrhythmia could cause. In many cases the heart becomes weakened and is more subject to problems such as heart attacks.

One medium-sized green banana can contain approximately 400 mg of potassium. This is a large part of the daily intake if we take into account that the recommended amount for adults is 4700 mg.

2. Fight gastritis

Green bananas are also rich in starch, a great protector of the gastric mucosa. For this reason they are a suitable food for people who suffer from problems such as:

  • Gastritis
  • Stomach acidity
  • Gastric ulcers

However, in these specific cases it is important that you avoid eating them fried. The fat to prepare them this way will eventually negate any positive effects they may have. Eating them boiled with a little salt and olive oil is the best option.

3. Fight against intestinal diseases

Their starch content, a type of highly fermentable fiber, is highly beneficial to the good bacteria that help keep your colon functioning, providing it with a regulatory and probiotic effect.

Consuming green bananas will help you regenerate your intestinal flora.

It is also recommended to include them in your diet if you have just finished treatment with antibiotics which may have weakened your intestinal flora. They are also of great help in cases of intestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease or colitis.

4. Improve your immune system

Like garlic, green bananas are a great source of vitamin B6. This is necessary for your immune system to function properly, especially in older people.

Many diseases that come with age cause inflammation that breaks down tryptophan. This is the reason why the body needs more vitamin B6 to be in good shape.

As vitamin B6 is water soluble, it is recommended to steam it in order to keep as much of it as possible.

benefits of green bananas: improve your immune system

5. Regulate hypertension

Potassium is very important for your body to be in good shape, not only because it is good for your arteries, but also because it helps in the process of muscle contraction, which is very important when it is. acts of the heart.

When one suffers from hypertension, it is recommended to increase the consumption of potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Green bananas will provide a lot of potassium and magnesium, which is why consuming them is a very good idea.

But be careful if you are taking medication for high blood pressure. Because they generally increase the elimination of potassium.

6. Reduce cholesterol

A green banana of about 200 grams can provide up to 5 grams of protein. Which therefore makes it a great option for lowering high cholesterol levels.

This is good if you want to avoid problems like obesity, diseases associated with type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.

7. Prevent obesity

health benefits of green bananas: prevent obesity

The starch contained in green bananas brings a feeling of prolonged satiety after having ingested them, in addition to being foods that do not contain any type of fat.

If what you are looking for is weight loss then you can include green bananas in your meals, in small amounts. You should also remember that they are high in carbohydrates. Prepare them boiled, mashed and even steamed if you prefer them that way.

Considerations around eating green bananas

Take into account that while eating green bananas can be very beneficial for your health, you should avoid them if you have liver or kidney problems.

This is especially because when your kidneys are damaged, excess potassium cannot be eliminated properly.

This causes the levels of this mineral to increase as well as the increased risk of suffering from hyperpotasemia, which can result in:

  • Hyperventilation
  • Nausea
  • Weak pulse
  • Severe damage to your heart.

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