Water Therapy Against Cellulite

There is a water therapy that helps fight cellulite.

With water therapy, you will be able to dilate and contract your blood vessels. This phenomenon promotes muscle relaxation, helps reduce inflammation and fight cellulite.

These days there are endless cellulite remedies on the market that you need to combine with a balanced diet and exercise routine to make them more effective.

In this article, we will give you all the keys to strengthening the effects of your anti-cellulite treatment. You will only need water and a few minutes a day.

Alternating temperature

If you have a faucet that allows you to efficiently alternate hot and cold water, you can enjoy the benefits of contrasting temperatures.

This therapy is also known under the name of Scottish shower, and is carried out in bathing or hydrotherapy centers.

Hot water has the property of dilating blood vessels and promoting relaxation of muscles, but also of joints.

Conversely, cold water helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation, while preventing tissue flaccidity.

Thanks to the temperature contrast, you can benefit from the following effects:

  • Improved blood circulation
  • Skin toning
  • An improvement in the appearance of the skin
  • An acceleration of the metabolism

In addition, it will allow you to prevent and fight cellulite, while benefiting from several other positive effects on your health.

You will gradually strengthen your immune system, and you will benefit from better adaptation to extreme climates.

This Scottish shower will also allow you to be more relaxed, and to give greater vitality to your nervous system.

Water therapy

How to perform water therapy?

Water therapy can be difficult for the first few times, so you can start with a slight contrast at first.

As your body adjusts to this water therapy, you may gradually increase the contrast. It will seem less violent to you, and you will even end up having fun.

You can do this shower only in areas where you have cellulite, or all over your body.

It would be ideal that in the bathroom where you are going to perform hydrotherapy, the ambient temperature is neither too hot nor too cold.

Carry out your shower as follows:

  • 1 minute of hot water then 1 minute of cold water
  • 2 minutes of hot water then 2 minutes of cold water
  • 1 minute of hot water then 1 minute of cold water
  • 2 minutes of hot water then 2 minutes of cold water
  • 3 minutes of hot water then 3 minutes of cold water

It is essential to always end this water therapy with cold water. When you apply the water, try to do it from the bottom to the top, and from the outside to the inside.

Application of anti-cellulite lotion

After performing the water therapy, dry yourself off with a slightly coarse towel. The friction of this tissue on your skin will help you to regain your body temperature quickly, and to open the pores of your skin.

This will be the perfect time to apply the anti-cellulite lotion that you usually use. The skin will absorb the cream much more easily, and this will increase its effects tenfold. 

If you do not have a specific lotion, you can use a vegetable oil (almond, coconut, olive or sesame), to which you will add a few drops of pure essential oil of birch.

You can take advantage of this moment to perform a circular massage of five minutes, of medium intensity, in the areas where you have cellulite.

You can also perform this massage with the help of an avocado core, as we explain in this article.

Final tips

We recommend that you perform this water therapy  once a day, for two weeks, for short-term results. Then you can space the therapy out once every two or three days.

This therapy will not only allow you to gradually reduce your cellulite, but it will also improve the appearance of your body immediately.

The results will also depend on the number of cardiovascular exercises you are doing (we recommend that you do this twice a week), and the diet you are going to follow.

We recommend that you avoid white sugar, refined salt, hydrogenated fats, refined flour, and alcoholic beverages.

Some people may have a genetic predisposition to suffer from cellulite. But, as a rule, it is caused by poor lifestyle habits.

You now know that with water therapy you can fight it!

Images of Grand Velas Puerto Vallarta and Karina Alverez.

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