10 Tips To Clear Your Mind While In Confinement

The confinement period has reinforced states of anxiety and stress among the population. Knowing how to deal with this situation is essential to avoid mental health issues. Check out some tips.

The global COVID-19 crisis has forced people to adapt quickly to sudden changes in their lifestyle. As a result, many began to suffer from too much stress, anxiety, and panic. Does this also happen to you? Don’t miss out on some tips to clear your mind while in lockdown.

Knowing how to handle the situation emotionally is essential to prevent it from overwhelming you. Therefore, you should learn to do introspection exercises that will bring you closer to your “inner self” and thus get rid of the overwhelming thoughts that occur during this time.

10 tips to clear your mind during confinement

The constant flow of negative news about COVID-19, in addition to social isolation, has generated several mental health issues in people. While some have managed to cope, others suffer from anxiety, restlessness and even insomnia on a daily basis.

The problem is, the mind is overwhelmed with so much news about the disease and being forced to deal with a situation of isolation never seen before. This is why, for many, the need to learn to clear the mind and deal with emotions arose. Here are some recommendations.

1. Share

It will allow you to break out of your own mental confinement. Some people are very vulnerable right now, such as the elderly. If you share a little of your food, you will help them a little and forget about your particular situation for a moment.

A woman running errands to clear her mind

2. Clear your mind during confinement: reconnect with your family

Even if there is a lockdown, remember that there are many social networks and technological devices that allow you to maintain communication. These people are essential as a support network and to receive encouragement when you need it most.

3. Go out on your balcony to clear your mind

Get some sun for at least half an hour. Along with a good tan, you can enjoy your space and recharge your batteries with vitamin D. Just be sure to protect yourself with sunscreen.

4. Clear your mind during confinement: organize your balcony

Yes indeed. You can use it for multiple purposes and on that basis decorate it beautifully. For example, this can be a nice place to draw or paint, so why not set up an easel there?

5. Fill your balcony with plants

You will be able to free your mind, because they need daily care. Also, if you are a very daring person, you can make your own garden. Great !

6. Clear your mind during confinement: grab a book

Lose yourself in its pages and its wonderful stories. Nothing better than a literary journey to disconnect from the present and forget all the problems.

Reading to clear your mind during confinement

7. Practice meditation

It doesn’t mean that you are going to leave your mind blank, but you are going to focus on the here and now. If you don’t know how to do it very well at first, don’t worry, you can do guided meditation at the beginning and then go at your own pace.

8. Clear your mind during confinement: try Pilates

It will help you feel much less stress and you will be able to experience greater well-being. In fact, as a study published in the Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal shows, it helps you stay in shape.

In particular, it improves flexibility and helps maintain joint health. This is undoubtedly very important, especially now that sedentary lifestyle has greatly increased.

9. Use mindfulness

All of these techniques are used a lot to avoid overloading the mind. With these methods, you just need to disconnect from yourself for a moment and look inside yourself to find the calm you need.

10. Clear your mind during confinement: take time for yourself

If you never had enough time for yourself, this is your chance to treat yourself. Being at home is the perfect excuse to take care of yourself and make yourself happy. Make time for physical exercise, beauty treatments, and anything that feels good to you.

Think to clear your head

Ultimately, it’s worth thinking about how to clear your mind while in lockdown. You can see this situation as an opportunity to change your bad habits, take care of others, and improve your habits for the good of the planet.

You will not always have the same situation. Keep in mind that this is a moment you can remember later without the burden of anxiety it brings in the present. Try to relax, avoid watching too much news, and try to enjoy the time spent in activities that are good for you.

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