How Can We Make Our Meals Less Calorie?

Want to lose some weight or keep in shape? Come and discover our little tips for consuming lower calorie meals on a daily basis!

You surely want to lose those few extra pounds, but you can’t, even by doing all the diets possible … Or you just want to keep your current weight, but it’s not that easy! Discover our tips for lower calorie dishes here.

In any case, it is important to know how to control the calories that we ingest every day. It often takes a lot of effort from us. But don’t panic: today we invite you to discover another way to make your meals less caloric on a daily basis!

Less calorie breakfasts

Healthy breakfast

  • Eat a good amount of cereals containing fiber; you will be less hungry the rest of the day.
  • Choose a grain or wholemeal bread.
  • Avoid pastries and sweets (croissants, donuts, etc.).
  • Choose light (skim) milk and cheeses.
  • Prefer chicken or turkey with bacon.
  • Cut out the sugar and choose stevia or another natural sweetener.

Lower calorie midday and evening meals

  • Use only a tablespoon of salad dressing (olive oil or mayonnaise).
  • If you fancy a burger, take it with vegetables and without cheese.
  • Don’t drink sugary drinks like soda.
  • Eat wholemeal pasta and brown rice.
  • If you are eating a sandwich, do not eat any of the slices of bread.
  • Cook your meat without added fat.
  • Remove the skin from the chicken.
  • Season the vegetables with herbs.

Lower calorie desserts and snacks

Healthy desserts

  • Prefer vanilla ice cream rather than chocolate ice cream  ; you can also try frozen yogurt.
  • Yoghurts should not be too fatty.
  • Choose dark chocolate instead.
  • In case of cravings, consume dried fruits.

How to eat less calories?

  • Chew more and better.
  • Use smaller plates.
  • Concentrate and don’t watch your cell phone or TV.
  • Eat salads regularly.
  • Eat soup or salad first.
  • Eat more slowly and calmly.

Thanks to these tips, you will succeed in consuming less calorie meals. It is not about a diet, but only another way of consuming food so that you are not hungry all day long and do not deprive yourself of what you love to eat.

If you want to lose a lot more weight, you will need to combine these tips with physical exercise. Walk or cycle for at least half an hour a day. This physical activity will allow you to obtain very good results!

Remember: the most important thing is to take care of yourself. You have to lose weight to stay healthy, but it shouldn’t become an obsession. These tips are here to help you eat less calories and healthier, not to lose more weight than you should be losing.

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