Caring For Grandchildren Helps Prevent Dementia According To Scientific Study

While looking after grandchildren is very virtuous in most cases, it is important that older people also have time for other activities.

Grandparents play a fundamental role in the family nucleus. With their dedication and care, they are a great support to their children and grandchildren.

We have always known that there is a close bond between grandchildren and grandparents. Notably because they share countless moments during the parents’ absence.

This bond which exists between the two generations is stronger than what some people can imagine. Indeed, in addition to generating a feeling of well-being, it could also have certain health benefits for the elderly.

For example, a recent study published in the journal of the North American Menopause Society found that taking care of grandchildren can help prevent cognitive deterioration and chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and senile dementia.

The study that includes the grandchildren

Alzheimer’s and senile dementia specialist Jonathan LaPook determined through his study that grandmothers benefit immensely from time spent with their grandchildren, while maintaining their mental acuity.

To come to this conclusion, the research looked at data from 186 Australians. They were between 57 and 68 years old.

They were subjected to various mental acuity tests. They were asked if they spent time with their grandchildren.

Of these women, 120 said they spent at least one day a week with their grandchildren. They are precisely the ones who obtained the best test results.

Apparently, this activity produces a certain physical and emotional demand which positively influences the various mental processes. But also on various functions of the body which require greater physical activity.

However, for the maximum benefits, the care of the grandchildren should be moderate because if it is excessive it can cause the opposite effect, due to the physical fatigue and stress that this situation involves.


According to research, people who reported caring for their grandchildren at least five days a week had the worst results on tests designed to assess memory and the speed of the mental process of work.

We have therefore been able to determine the fact that the more time grandmothers spend with their grandchildren, the more they feel their children’s demands on them.

Thus, the researchers concluded that mood plays a big role in the benefits of this habit.

Although the link between mental acuity and social activities has been examined, this is the first time that we have looked at the possible benefits for adult and postmenopausal women.

According to Dr. Gass, executive director of the North American Menopause Society:

“Being a grandmother is an important and frequent social function among post-menopausal women, which is why it is necessary to know its effects on health”. 

The role of grandparents in the lives of grandchildren

a grandfather with his son

For the grandparents, the grandchildren are a source of satisfaction, because they have no obligation of education and they only have to bring them tenderness and some lessons of life.

Children receive love and companionship that no one else can give them.

While grandparents manage to relax by paying attention to their grandchildren’s games and achievements, grandchildren appreciate the presence of people who give them confidence and distraction.

However, such activity must have a certain limit. It should not become a reason for responsibility for grown-ups.

Indeed, in some ways, the excess causes a feeling of stress. This can trigger medium to long term health problems.

Some grandparents are engaged in the education of their grandchildren because they want their children to be successful in their work.

However, one should be aware of the need to devote time to other activities that generate pleasure in old age. They also have an important role in physical and emotional health.

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